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Post 1


Hi Catharina,

I see you have some of my posts to Bcsmiley - laugh !

How are you these days ? I've been on holiday, had my hair done and my tooth is still an ever lasting saga.

Lovely weather today




Post 2


Hiya Jen

How strange, all I hear to-day is news about teeth. (Helen had a wisdom tooth removed to-day)
I think there's nothing worse than toothache.

My husband once had raging toothache and after that he always wanted to be a dentist, thought how lovely it would be to remove that ache.
He didn't become one but went into the Motor Trade. He could only remember dreaming twice in his life and each time he dreamt he was a dentist.

Hope you feel well and relaxedafter your holiday, Jen.

Bloody cold this evening, have the central heating on.

My sitting room is covered in squares of carpet and the furniture with swatches of fabric, can't make up my mind what to choose.

Come and have a look, will you? What do you think? This one? Or that one?

Good, that's a big help.X

See you, Jen

smiley - zoomsmiley - kisssmiley - smooch


Post 3


Hi Catharina,

What's your colour scheme ? Helen has had a tough time with her teeth.
You will have to forgive me this evening as I am slightly the worse through drink.

I have had an upsetting evening, and have probably upset everyone. Oh well, c'est la vie.

Speak coherently soon,

Love and kisses

Jensmiley - sadface


Post 4


Hi Jen

Are you feeling better this evening?

Drink!!!smiley - bubblysmiley - alesmiley - bubbly We always think it will make us feel better and it does at first and then you wish you hadn't.smiley - wah Oh dear- life's roundabout.

My colour scheme. Completely different to what I have now. The sitting room isn't all that big so I am looking at ways to make it seem larger. The walls are going to stay white, I don't know but I think paintings etc look better on white and I have two paintings which my father did in there.
So, the carpet is going to be a rich, creamy white and the furniture a deep terracotta. The curtains will be the same material but the same colour as the carpet and then a lot of cushions of that same colour and fabric as the curtains.
It may sound a bit boring but the colours are very rich. Come and have a look!

What colours do you prefer? At the moment it is very light turquoise and pink but I want a complete change.

Hope you feel more cheerful to-day.smiley - biggrin

Lots of love and kisses

smiley - zoom


Post 5



I am fine today ! Ah, the demon drink !

Your new colour scheme sounds absolutely fabulous ! Go for the white and terracotta. Oh, I do envy you having a complete change.

I have peaches and cream theme downstairs. Lovely and relaxing I think, but murder for showing up cat hairs and little hand prints !

Have a lovely week-end, doing anything nice ?

Love and kisses,



Post 6


Hi Jen

Glad you approve of the colour scheme. Can't wait now to see it all done, but have to have patience. Order of jobs:

sweep (chimney)
install new gas-fire, bringing gas from garage (smiley - erm
have all hi-fi equipment disconnected and taken away (explain later)
have room decorated
have new hi-fi system installed.

In the meantime have sofa taken away to be recovered.
have carpet laid
have chairs taken away to be recovered
have curtains hung.

In the meantime: have dishwasher installeed and
new worktop fitted.

On the 28th Broadband activated
On the 29th car for M.O.T. and service

Several trips and outings as planned.

I'm just chilling out this week-end, glad to be at home and not having to go anywhere. Friend called in this morning for coffee, so that was nice. I should be gardening but it is so dull and miserable outside, I'm staying in and have the heating on.

What are you doing?

Lots of smiley - love and smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss



Post 7



Never in a 100 guesses would you know what I've been doing this afternoon.

Clue: Oscar Wilde.

Otherwise, I've been talking to Bc on the net. Out with the kids, and then Guy.

Lots of secret smiley - wah


PS I am thinking of never writing to anybody here any more...I'm such a stupid person


Post 8


Oh, come on, darling Jen....

Don't leave me in suspense.

I'm very ignorant, know nothing about Oscar Wilde..smiley - sadface

Who is Guy?????smiley - erm

Doooooooooooooohhhhhhhh Hand me the bottle!smiley - magic

If YOU are stupid, what does that make me??

Don't tell me.

Daft but happy smiley - zoom

Lots of lovesmiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

Catharina smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 9


Well, he's not Mr Fawkes !!!

Have another guess sweetiesmiley - biggrin

smiley - kiss


Post 10


I give up!smiley - kiss

smiley - zoom

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