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Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Started conversation Aug 18, 2004
Good evening. New site, new name. Most people call me Jen anyhow.
How are you ? Can't stay long tonight as friends coming round to hear my gory details !!
Should be around Thursday evening.
Hey, what about you and me and the story
That Bc is one bad ass. Who is he ? Please do tell.
Love and and
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 18, 2004
Hi Jen
So lovely to see you. We've really missed you.
Yes, the story began to grow on me. I began to get quite fond of myself.
I've given up trying to work out who BC is.But he's here, there, everywhere.
Hope to see you around tomorrow then.
Lots of love
I've been watching the footie, so didn't see your post until now.
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 19, 2004
Here, There and that a Beatles song ? Or is it from The Scarlett Pimpernel ?
Never watched the footie even though David was allegedly playing. CB is very quiet tonight. Typical ! When I have all the time in the world on my hands, nobody comes out to play.
Watching the Olympics ?
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 19, 2004
Hi Jen
No, I don't watch the Olympics much. Don't really know any of the people involved. I'm not much into sport, except F.1. Saw some funny racing after F1 last week. It was called "Red Bull soapbox racing". All these guys (some of them not so young, either) in these very funny vehicles. One was a replica of the Eiffel-tower and one had a little trailer with a naked woman in it (they said). It was so funny, much better than F1.
I got cut off in my prime just now, isn't it irritating?
The clock on my computer is a few minutes slow and it always catches me by surprise.
I was saying that I was eating a Cornetto. The new ones are called "Love Potions" and I said that I hadn't noticed anything yet and I wondered if they were a bit like Viagra?
They don't work!!!(The Cornettos, I mean). Don't know about Viagra!!
Now all the keys on my keyboard are sticky.
It's been quiet on the Cb for a while now. Plenty going on at the JV board, but I never feel like arguing. I'm here to have fun and a giggle.
Think I'll have an early night.
See you tomorrow,
Nighty night, Jen
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 19, 2004
Hi Catharina,
Totally agree about the arguements on the JV board. I too just want a laugh. Mostly I do.
Not sure about Viagra.
I don't know whether I would want to plan sex down to the nth degree. 'Here, dear, take this at 6 o'clock and we'll have a passionate fling in 4 hours time' Imagine I think a Cornetto would be more fun.
Yes, it is a shame that 10.00 is the witching hour. Hope I can be around tomorrow. I have a birthday party in the afternoon - should be fun !
I was going to be terribly naughty and ask why your keyboard was all sticky. But I won't.
The 'car racing' sounded fun. I really do like gymnastics and the swimming and gymnastics. Two of those I still do ! I'll leave you to work out which ones.
Night night, Catharina,
PS You've cheered me up and made me smile this evening. Loved your comments about being so thin !!
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 20, 2004
Hello Jen
I keep forgetting to look at hootoo, got out of the habit. (You don't believe I am a nun, do you?)
I haven't watched any of the Olympics and then, this afternoon, I was tired and lay down with a cuppa, turned the T.V. on and became totally hooked. Did you see me on my bike? Ha!. We used to have one of those cycle-rings (what are they called?) near where I lived and as kids we would take our old bikes there. The girls stayed at the bottom bit and the boys showed off going on the "slopes".
Of course, if I had one of these new bikes, the skin-tight costume and the snazzy helmet, I could still give them a ride for their money.
I can't remember saying I was thin last night, strange that, because compared to you witty lot I feel very thick.
How was the party?
I noticed you are back. Are you full of jelly and ice cream?
BTW the sticky keyboard!!! My cornetto leaked!!!.
Hope to see you later.
Lots of love
(forgotten that!)
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 20, 2004
I have replied in the Coffee Shop. Unfortunately, there is nobody else there !!
Come and talk to me please
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 20, 2004
Hello Jen
I said I would tell youabout my friend. This is true!!
I was doing some work in the front garden a few years ago when she came by and stopped for a chat. I didn't know her, but she sounded so miserable that I asked her in for a coffee. I didn't realise she always sounded like that.
When I asked if there was something wrong, she said she had been going to commit suicide on the18th of December but things had gone wrong. I thought she was joking, but she wasn't. It was now January, so I wondered what had happened.
Well, it seemed she had 4 cats and she didn't want to leave them behind. On the eve before the suicide she burned all her address books and telephone numbers and then bought a lot of sleeping tablets which she crushed up and put in the cats' food, thinking they would sleep permanently.
But the cats wouldn't touch the food, so her plan went wrong.
By January she'd got over the depression a bit, but now had no telephone nos or addresses!!!
She is still always miserable,it's hard going, really, being with her.
Hope you have a nice week-end Jen. Are you doing anything special?
You have a lovely sleep now.
Lots of love
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 20, 2004
Gosh, Catharina, what an awful plight for your friend. Do you find that you get depressed as well after talking to her ?
I have a friend, and I think I am HER only friend, and she is always doom and gloom. But I think it's because she is a little bit mean and spiteful. She rarely has a kind word to say about anyone. My husband gets annoyed that I see her, but whatever.....
This weekend I have no real plans. My daughter is coming over tomorrow and I think we are going shopping. It's almost her birthday and I have bought a few surprises for her, but perhaps she'll see something she would like. Usually we go out to eat on Saturday nights. Just somewhere local; a bar meal or the Italian.
I do have an awful cough at the moment. It's keeping me awake at night. I am probably a bit run down with one thing and another
I have told Bc how much I enjoy reading his stories. He tells me he is working next week so doubtless we won't be hearing much from him.
What a breath of fresh air he is ! I cannot believe how much he has cheered me up.
Oh, and now I'm getting glassy eyed, so I will say good night,
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 21, 2004
Hi Jen
Do you think we have the same friend? Mine is a very selfish person, we always have to do what she wants to do, there's no discussion.
On the other hand she can be very kind to older people, but I think that's because she can boss them around more.
I don't know. Aren't people complicated?
Hope you have a nice shopping expedition and that you get something for your cough at the same time.
At first I thought BC's stories really daft and then I began to get interested. Now I'm beginning to get a bit bored by them.
But I think he is very funny.
He told me he is 24, that his name is Koen (you probably remember that) and that he is Belgian (Flemish). Where he gets his vocabulary I can't imagine. But yes, I enjoy his postings. Anybody who can cheer us up, eh?
I'll be popping up now and again, in between tasks, so may see you later.
Lots of love
Catharina XX
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 22, 2004
Morning Catharina,
As I have the house to myself I am catching up on all my e mails. I think my friend is what you would call a bully. The minute she can spot a weakness or a little bit of vulnerability in someone, she befriends them. Then of course she gets her own way all the time !!
My daughter and I went shopping yesterday, and within the first hour we had something to eat and I bought two pairs of trousers for myself
But we trawled through Next and John Lewis and she chose a few things, so mission accomplished. I kept myself going on boiled sweets, courtesy of Clive, but have promised will go to the doctor's if the coughing doesn't clear up. On the positive side, I am talking in a very husky voice, soooo sexy
I can't remember seeing Bc calling himself Koen. Must have been when I was away. If he is only 24 then I'm a Dutchman
I think the story is over now, oh please !! But agree with your comments. But, he makes me laugh. Take it is is a he ??
Have a lovely day, sunshine and blue skies again,
Jen and
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 22, 2004
Hi Jen
I wonder why we have friends like the ones we describe. Strange, isn't it?
I like your shopping expedition. Frequent stops for coffee and food are essential. If I really want to shop I'm better going on my own, I find.
Yes, it must have been when you were away that BC told me his name was Koen, I'll have a look to see if I can still find the thread. He was asking me what he could do to make people believe him. Quoted a few Dutch words, but I wasn't convinced. Still don't know, he'll have to try harder!!!
He said something last week about having passed a couple of exams and starting work this week. We'll see.
Interesting though, isn't it?
I always have to go searching for his stories as those conversations don't show up on "my page". There's a lot I don't know, but they say that ignorance is bliss, so I should be very happy.
Am chilling out to-day. Doing nothing! It's what I'm best at.
Los of love
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 23, 2004
Morning, Jen
Feeling fit to-day?
I had a much better night than I've had for ages, thank goodness.
I said I'd have a search amongst the postings to see where it was BC explained himself, and now I read it all again, I believe him again.
Isn't it awful how we all joke and say the most outragious things on these boards so that in the end we find it difficult to believe anybody.
But if you read my letter to him, as I said at the time: it doesn't matter. It's all just a bit of fun.
I'm now beginning to worry that I may have upset him again. Dohhhhhhhhhh!!
Can't remember where he said he was 24, you could ask him again. Poor BC.
Oh, I forgot to tell you the most important bit: Have a look on my conversations under: "I just wanted to have a talk".
Raining here this morning. Our W.I. garden party this afternoon. Don't know what's going to happen now.
Better get on with it. How are you feeling now, Jen?
Have a good day.
Lots of love
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 23, 2004
Morning Catharina
Yes, just been over now and had a read.........No, I don't think you'll have upset him. He'll be all right I'm sure.
Yes, it all reads genuine enough, and he does have a sense of fun
Saturday afternoon I was shopping, as you know. When we got back home I went to bed for at least an hour as I felt awful. Saturday night my husband and I were going out, and once I'd got ready I felt not so bad. We were home by about 10.30 or so as the meal was so bad. Italian and normally my favourite food. Had an awful night's sleep with cough cough cough
Sunday I just chilled but then my husband arranged for us to go out. Normally this is great, but I didn't feel like getting dressed. But I made the effort, plastered on the make up but still looked like a panda with black circles under my eyes
But, once you're out you're out, and I enjoyed myself. Bad night's sleep again. Talked about going to the docs, but will leave it another couple of days. Don't like to be a nuisance do you.
Grey day today. Once I've showered and got dressed, I shall do a little ironing and go and buy some more drinks SOFT ones
Oh I do hope the weather stays dry for your garden party. What a summer it's turned out to be. I must get away !!
Take care,
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 23, 2004
hi Jen,
I'm sorry you're feeling a bit under the weather. That reminds me, I have a Dutch friend who, if the weather is bad
and you ask how she is, always replies: "Under the weather", although she's perfectly all right, she just means the weather is awful.
I was thinking, when I'm not feeling well, I sometimes think it's good to be on my own. At least nobody cares if I stay in bed, wallowing in misery. I don't have to get dressed at all if I don't want to and eat and drink what I like. I always know when I'm "under the weather", I fancy a tin of rice pudding!!!
Of course, the downside is that nobody brings you any drinks in bed.
When my husband was alive and I had a cold or flu, I never knew if I had a fever or if I was drunk. He couldn't cook at all and he kept bringing me sherries and hot toddies until my head swam. What with all that, paracetemol and a large dose of night nurse, I didn't know whether I was coming or going.
Now, if I'm not well, I stay in bed and have a large bottle of water by the side of me. Not nearly so much fun.
There was a very heavy shower just before the garden party, but when we got there, we all sat outside in the sun. There was a slight shower and then it cleared up and we had a lovely afternoon although it was quite windy and serviettes were blowing all over the place. Had a good time.
Not much going on in the CB and everything dead-slow. I was pleased to read that message of trouble on the boards. I was convinced it was my computer again.
Things don't go smoothly for long, do they?
I would take a trip to the vet if I were you. I have found that the big bottles of cough mixture our docter dishes out are very soothing. Mostly sugar, I suppose, but so what? As long as it works.
Hope you feel better tomorrow, Jen.
Lots of love
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 24, 2004
Morning Catharina,
Feel better today than yesterday. As I am on dog walking duties (again !) it was a case of having to be
It's a bit like when you go to see the doctor and she always asks 'how are you' 'oh, fine' I always reply
At the millennium new year, both my husband and I were struck down with flu which then turned to pneumonia for both of us. Oh, it was so ghastly ! Nobody to look after us either
Glad your garden party turned out to be successful. It's sunshine here, but how long for I don't know.
I will take your advice and go to see the vet
Have a lovely day,
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 24, 2004
Hi Jen
Hope you will be well soon, let me know what vet said, won't you?
Oh, you must have been feeling so sorry for yourselves at the Millenium. I had the Cornish Lover here ! and we danced away at a local event. There was an enormous tent, chandeliers! and we ate sausages and mash, the champagne and wine flowed and we danced all night. Fireworks at 12.00
and then the dancing went on again. TCL hasn't been the same since, he's never really recovered, although he says dancing doesn't make his leg hurt, only walking!
The last time I went to see my doctor I asked him how he was and he told me about his family, then we talked about computers and my new car and there was barely time to talk about me. Anyway, all I wanted was some anti-biotics for my bronchitis. Quick look at my chest and out I went!!!
Hope you will be better soon, Jen.
Lots of
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 25, 2004
Hi Catharina,
After coughing for England this morning at 3.30 onwards, I have been told 'Go to the XXXXXXX Doctor's'
So, I shall phone now ! Never seem to get to see the same doctor twice at our surgery. My own GP is lovely, but she married and now has two little ones, so only works part time. It's the devil's job to get to see her.
Sun is shining - black clouds are gathering - rain on the wind.
Oooh your millennium sounds wonderful. We were invited to a party at our neighbours, but no go.
Anyway, off to phone the docs or the vets,
have a lovely day
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
FLYBYNIGHT Posted Aug 25, 2004
Hi Jen
Hope you came home with a large bottle of jollop and a load of tablets.
Thought I might have caught your cold this morning, as I was sneezing so loudly you must have heard me, did you?
Been out looking at gas-fires. Too much choice! Then we had lunch at The Little Chef: had 2 eggs, 3 sausages and chips!!! But on the way home stopped at a farm-shop and bought a packet of Green Tea, which is supposed to be full of antioxydants, so that'll counteract all the cholesterol I've taken on board, won't it?
Haven't drunk any yet, mind you, but am thinking about it because there's also a huge rock cake (organic, of course) waiting for me and a delicious creme brulee. Trouble is I have to eat it all before the evening, as none of it goes with red wine. Aren't I naughty?
Please let me know what the vet said.
Lots of love and
Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
U832688 Posted Aug 26, 2004
Hiya Catharina !
Yes, I definitely heard you sneezing. Was it about 11 o'clock this morning ?
Been to the docs/vets. I have kennel cough Go away, come back in 2 weeks, there's nothing wrong, it's a virus. Honestly, Catharina, the doctor I saw was about 12 years old, AND he was wearing trainers. Disgraceful
My very very best friend, who (whom ?) I have known since we were 16, told me all about green tea. So, I bought a packet and it made me sooo ill. Didn't realise I needed cleansing so badly
Creme brulee is my favourite desert ! I just adore creme brulee.........
Speak soon, sleep tight,
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Catharina it's me - or should I say I ?
- 1: U832688 (Aug 18, 2004)
- 2: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 18, 2004)
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- 10: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 21, 2004)
- 11: U832688 (Aug 22, 2004)
- 12: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 22, 2004)
- 13: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 23, 2004)
- 14: U832688 (Aug 23, 2004)
- 15: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 23, 2004)
- 16: U832688 (Aug 24, 2004)
- 17: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 24, 2004)
- 18: U832688 (Aug 25, 2004)
- 19: FLYBYNIGHT (Aug 25, 2004)
- 20: U832688 (Aug 26, 2004)
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