This is the Message Centre for Pond Girl
brendab Started conversation Jun 7, 2004
Hi Pond and anyone else who can read this.
Just thought I'd leave a little message saying I'm still trying to get my "space" up and running (coming up O.K.) in preview, but not coming up in my space! Keep pressing the button, but the computer is telling me off!!! The last message was "Don't press this button again". Ouch.
If any little soul from the CB of JV Board is on here, pop into my place for a chat. I might not be in right away, but I'll be in before the nights out. There's Red Wine and White wine (in the fridge), Gin/Vodka/Morgan Spiced/Whisky in the cupboard and the mixers are on the shelf below. Crisps, Nuts, and dippy things are all over the place, so just look everywhere and eat whatever takes your face.
Put some music on if you fancy.
See you later.
Pond Girl Posted Jun 8, 2004
Hi Brenda
Sorry I haven't got back to you before now. I keep running out of time!
When I first joined hootoo I was guided through stuff by someone called an ACE. There are lots of help pages on here if you ferret around. I'm afraid I'm completely useless with these things but there are lots of helpful people within this community who should be able to sort you out.
Gotta dash up to the Post Office and then into Henley.
I'll catch you later.
Isn't skid a complete cretin?
brendab Posted Jun 8, 2004
Hi Pond
Don't get me started on him (them). He's still on the JV Board today, but at least he's behaving himself (he's not on as Skid but his other alter egos). So long as he adds to the debate and is constructive, there's no problem.
Let's hope he keeps on behaving himself.
Speak to you soon.
Take Care
Serendipity Always
Pond Girl Posted Jun 8, 2004
Hi Brenda
Hardly got a look in on the boards today. Who are Skid's alter egos?
I'm off for a bath. Feeling a bit but aiming for
before bed-time!
Take care
brendab Posted Jun 8, 2004
Hi Pond
Have just come off the table after having Indian Head Massage, Reflexology and Lavender rub
SK alter egos
I think our little Muslim friend is one. He is debating in a fairly good way though, that's why I say, if he behaves himself why not. I just worry about his mental state. When he was on the R2 Board and said a relative had died of Cancer, I contacted the MODS to say I was concerned about him. I have this feeling that one of these days he's going to post an awful message saying he's in the middle of a breakdown (or similar), that's why he's behaved like he has and he's now going to commit suicide because he's so ashamed!
This is what happened on the TOTP Board and I think he was just testing the water over there. It may take a while, but I suspect that is what is going to happen.
He'll then come back, thank everyone for their support, apologise for scaring everyone, start posting again and then again after a while, he'll start his nonsense again.
Hope I'm wrong, but anyone who's mind-set is like his is capable of anything.
Who else is on here? I see Fly is, is Helen? Could we get Ruth and Helen on? We could all chat away to our hearts content about other things rather than have to stick to JVs Board (which I adore but you can't say things like this on there) or the CB which again, is wonderful, but we can't talk freely.
Was looking for a yawn face but could'nt find one. Feeling the eyes go.
Sleep Safe and Speak to you (hopefully) tomorrow.
Serendipity Always
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