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Jolly Old Saint Nick Started conversation Mar 13, 2004
The nonsense has now made it to the coffee bar.
Scott, Fillo and Howard all having a horrid squabble, why ?
That's run for 9 or 10 hours, and they have not a bit of respect for anybody else, yourself, VC or anybody who gets in their way.
We'll see what tomorrow brings. But I certainly don't think Howard had any right or any grounds to start having a go for you.
Night Night
Nick B
Pond Girl Posted Mar 14, 2004
Morning Nick
I didn't see any of the CB shenanigans last night or Howard's last message to me which must have been pre-modded as it is timed at much earlier than it was posted. As for Scott, I don't like him but as he is the reason why most of us girls came over here I suppose we should be grateful!
I'm relieved you don't think I said anything to set Howard off, I was beginning to wonder. I went back through all my postings to check and I couldn't see anything untoward and came to the conclusion that he has issues that cause him to see things differently to me. Bearing in mind he has brought alcoholism and bullying into the conversations even though I never mentioned them, I think I can understand where he is coming from.
I did consider replying to his last message because he has got things so wrong, but I have decided that I will only make things worse if I do. The trouble is he gets so upset if you ignore him and starts the abuse all over again.
Anyway, it's the day of Pondboy's birthday party (30+ for lunch) and I'm too happy and busy
to worry. Hopefully, there'll be a full report in my journal tomorrow.
Take care and have a good Sunday
Geordie Girl Posted Mar 14, 2004
Morning PG
Just a quickie to say hope all goes well with the lunch party. I had a brief look at yesterday's goings on and I don't think you said anything untoward so don't worry.
Look forward to the report tomorrow!
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