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Happy birthday to Pondman
Pond Girl Posted Mar 12, 2004
Hey PP thanks for your kind wishes! I will pass them along.
Welcome to h2g2. I look forward to some silly times!
How are the family?
Happy birthday to Pondman
Fletch Posted Mar 12, 2004
i'm sorry.I was bored and looked at the peeps online and saw ur name!Then took the oppurtunity to wish someone happy birthday.I know it's an odd thing to do,i truly am not a psycho.
The Phamily
Phillip Phlopp Posted Mar 12, 2004
Hi Pondy
I flew over to Germany on Saturday and brought back both my wife and granddaughter number 1!
The House is now like Toys r' Us...but it's lovely. She's only two and a bit but her presence fills every room. My wife is loving it: she's back home, she has Ella for two weeks and her two dogs to cuddle at night.
I might have mentioned that ever since my daughter moved to Germany where her husband is posted she and the two children have been constantly ill. My wife was there for five weeks and had constant coughs and colds. I came back with a head cold that turned into bronchitis yesterday - and I pride myself on never being ill! We reckon that their house was built on a sacred Red Indian burial ground and that the building is cursed. Or something.
This is an amazing site.
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Happy birthday to Pondman
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