This is the Message Centre for Pond Girl

Morning PG

Post 1


Dear PG
Hope PB had a lovely birthday and that he is ecstatic with his new toy! The lanes of the Home Counties are probably even now resounding to the cc's quartered between his manly thighs!! smiley - biggrin
Hope PL is feeling happier - tell him Nolli Illegitimi Carborundum and give him a smiley - kiss from me!
Lots of smiley - love

Morning PG

Post 2

Pond Girl

Morning Essjay

The lanes of South Oxfordshire are full of snow this morning, very pretty but not conducive to biking!smiley - sadface

It is actually just as well, as we have a lunch party for about 30 people on Sunday to continue the birthday celebrations and I need PB here. We have had the decorators in for the last 10 days and all the furniture in the living/dining room is in the middle of the rooms and the curtains have just come back from the cleaners and need re-hanging and although we have had dust sheets down everything is covered in dust and needs polishing/wiping down! smiley - dontpanic I have just been cleaning the windows and have stopped for a well-earned smiley - tea and to regain a little smiley - zen

So glad your man is feeling better. It can't be much fun looking forward to seeing someone after such a long time and they have to take to their bed.

I'll pass your message on to PL he knows Latin better than me. I'll be seeing him at parents' evening tonight. Oh Joy smiley - yikes

Gotta get back to the cleaning.


PG smiley - kiss

PS If you want to see piccies of the new bike check out our business website.

Morning PG

Post 3


Dear PG
Sounds like you are in domestic hell smiley - skull, so I will wish you all the best smiley - biggrin

Don't think PL will be able to parse the Latin... think it's a corruption created for the modern era but is basically Don't Let the B****rds Grind you Down!!

Enjoy your smiley - tea and restore your smiley - zen

smiley - love


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