This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

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Post 1


At last i managed it, only because of your directions though. I suppose it will get easier the more i use it. Now who's getting the drinks in?smiley - cheers


Post 2

Researcher U634370

Is that you VC or H? I've forgotten who the Hendrix fan is? It's all this smiley - bubbly I've got through a whole crate this afternoon!!!!

What do fancy then the drinks are free you can have smiley - alesmiley - bubbly which is a firm favourite or smiley - redwine, smiley - stout and I'm sure we can rustle up a galactic cocktail if you prefer. smiley - biggrin

BDG smiley - kiss


Post 3


Hi BDG, it's me VC. I wouldn't say no to a glass of Banrock Station if there is any, getting quite partial to that at the moment. But if you recommend a cocktail i'll have one of those. I think most of the R2 board will be over here soon judging by the postssmiley - sadface


Post 4

Researcher U634370

Don't be smiley - sadface VC we won't leave the R2 board its still our homebase. Plus I think some of us wanted a bit of relief from a certain person. One smiley - bubbly coming up. It is fun here and a change is as good as a rest, so they say. Have you tried the Shepard's Kitchen yet Corrie and FBN are there eating smiley - cheesecake and drinking what's new!!!

Please don't be smiley - sadface VC we smiley - love you.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 5


Thanks BDG that really cheered me upsmiley - biggrin. Must go over to the kitchen because i am starving. I fancy steak, chips and mushrooms, do you think that will be OK?


Post 6

Researcher U634370

Glad you are smiley - smiley Sounds good to me VC sure it will be OK.

I'm having steak casserole and mash with lots of gravy!!!

See you soon.

BDG smiley - fishsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 7


Hiya VCsmiley - smiley

Nice to find you here, isn't it fun?
I tried the CB just now, but it's so slow at the moment.
Mind you, it takes me forever to find my way about, been here 3 days and still don't know where I am.

Still, may finish up somewhere really exciting. Who knows.

See you again soon Have you got a smiley - bubbly

XXsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss



Post 8

Researcher U634370


Just about to reply to you in the Kitchen, oh I've had such a busy afternoon, crates of smiley - bubbly have been drunk. Your chicken sounded nice. Tried to get in the CB and couldn't get in which seems strange when it's so quiet!!

Has your friend arrived yet? Got your email havn't had chance to reply. I'm going to smiley - run now while I get chance and pay everyone some attention to the family!!

Lots of smiley - love

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 9


Hi FBN, i think this site could be quite addictive don't you? It is a really good feeling being free of the MODS and you know who butting in. Yes i have a drink but i wouldn't say no to anothersmiley - bubbly.

Ooh i just love this place, it;s making me feel quite emotionalsmiley - hug. By the way did you see the qualifying? Poor old Rubens, i really want him to win this year.


Post 10


Hi Henny,smiley - biggrin

Yes, I saw the qualifying. It's not quite as exciting as it used to be, is it? But, one never knows. It wold be nice if Rubens won it this year, only I have a thing for the dark, handsome Colombian. Something about him, don't know what.

Rubens would never stop crying if he won the championship, would he?smiley - wah

Yes, it's great fun here, especially now there's a few more of us, felt very lonely at first, but I still like the CB, especially when we have one of our parties.smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

See you soon



FBNsmiley - kisssmiley - kiss


Post 11


I always used to like it when Fisichella won a race, he was always 'very appy'. Montoya is going to win this year i think, the BAR lot look Ok so far (4th for Jensen) but poor old Coulthard is really beginning to sink. He seems to be going backwards not forwards AGAIN!!

Sorry to drag this thread towards F1 but it is so exciting!!!!

Go Rubens!!!smiley - biggrin


Post 12


Hi Henny,smiley - smiley

Don't be sorry, I have a passion for F.1.
Yes, David Coulthard is a sad case. I don't think he's ever going to make it now. They say he is too NICE. Isn't that awful?
He tried to be too "hard" in an interview this week and it just didn't suit him.
I set my video so that I can watch it at my leasure in the morning, but I kept waking up last night, wondering if I'd set the video O.K. Eventually woke up at 6. Feel exhausted now. Better have a drinksmiley - ale

See you soon

FBN (Catharina) smiley - kiss

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