This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

I think I've got it

Post 1

Pond Girl

Hi B

I'm keeping this short in case I've made a mess of it!

Penny smiley - hug

I think I've got it

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hello PG smiley - biggrin you made it!!!! Lovely to see you, Phil's just arrived he's a Lord now!! Can I get you a glass of smiley - bubbly to celebrate? I'm spending far too much time on here but it's fun!!!!

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 3


Hallo Penny,smiley - biggrin

Now you'll be able to tell me how it's all working.
I'm still lost.
Trying to add Smileys and getting nowher.smiley - erm

Phil the Postie? Lord who?

Must go and light the oven. Oh dear, no time to cook any more.

Love and hugssmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

FBNsmiley - biggrin

I think I've got it

Post 4

Pond Girl

Hi Bdg

A smiley - bubbly would be great, thanks smiley - kiss

I'm not at all sure how this works smiley - erm and I really haven't got time to investigate at the moment but it looks excellent!

I'll try and spend some time on here tomorrow afternoon and construct my page then.smiley - cool

Looks like lots of people might be moving over here!

PG smiley - run

I think I've got it

Post 5

Researcher U634370

Hello girls

smiley - bubbly coming up glad you made it again FBN, Phil is using the name evan_elpuss he is in the thread on my space "Hello there". Oh what fun this is smiley - biggrin. Have you checked out my belly dance link to my teacher's site yet?

Also FBN I have put a link to the Sheperd's kitchen which is a new friend Corrie made and Essjay is there aswell!!!!

FBN re smilies just put the symbol < before the name of the smilie you want eg cheesecake and then > after no spaces though. Hope this helps? Let me know if you are still having probs.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 6


Hello All!

Can't seem to find Phil - put his name into the search and it came up blank - ah well - no doubt find him at some stage.

This is all very good - think I'll end up spending quite a lot of time here having a good old hunt around.

See you all sometime for a drink of something!smiley - bubbly

twurlit_chuckle (aka Ruth)

I think I've got it

Post 7

Researcher U634370

Hi Ruth

It's good to see you smiley - biggrin
smiley - bubbly coming up!!! You can't search by name but you can find people's space by clicking on their name in blue. Phil is on the thread "Hello There" below on my list. You can only search by guide entry which is why you found me because my page is called Belly Dancing Goldfish. You will soon get the hang of it. I shall be paraletic with all this smiley - bubbly.

BDG smiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 8


We've found Shellay as well - hmm, I think Scott might be on his way over - we'll just have to get the truncheon out if he starts any of his stuff!

This is all completely mindboggling - like the book I guess, thinking that you have to be slighty pissed (see if we can get away with that here!) to be able to sort this.

Will have a go at doing my page - put some stuff on there, but will have a good go on Monday evening when 'im in doors is out playing volleyball!

Time for a refill?smiley - bubbly


I think I've got it

Post 9

Researcher U634370

Hi Ruth

I was just saying in the CB got through a crate of smiley - bubbly this afternoon!! smiley - yikes If Scott comes on my page he better behave!!! Or he will get the smiley - boing out of here!!

Enjoy your Rugby. See you soon

BDG smiley - biggrin

I think I've got it

Post 10


Ahhh, I posted in the wrong place I think......The penny is starting to roll very slowly into the slot!!!!!

Bare with mesmiley - bubbly

I think I've got it

Post 11


Hallo Ruth,

We'll soon be one happy family again, won't we?
I am still very uncertain about it all, which drives me mad, I hate to be beaten.

Must go and check my roast chicken.smiley - smiley

See you soon


FBN (also known as Catharina)smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 12

Researcher U634370

smiley - biggrin You'll get there girls its just different, I find myself looking at less pages than the CB mainly because I tend to read through the whole of a thread which I have now realised is pointless!!! More smiley - bubbly coming up. smiley - cheers One good thing is there is absolutely no closing time!!!!

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 13


Hi all

I hope you are all enjoying your selfs smiley - smiley

I just thought I would mention, you can search for some one if you know there nickname on H2G2.
under the search box you will see "Advanced Search"If you click on that you will see another page with a search box. but there is a box with "Search for a Friend"
click in there and it will look for names

I hope that has helped smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

I think I've got it

Post 14

Researcher U634370

Hi Manda

Thanks for the tip save us all rushing around!!! Although I don't think I can remember some of the names!! We are definately enjoying ourselves in this smiley - magic place.

Love your smiley - peacedove.

BDG smiley - fish

I think I've got it

Post 15


no problem smiley - smiley

I am of to smiley - zzz now.
But if you need anything, you can click on my name above and that will take you to my page where there are some links you might like, or leave me a message and I will get back to you in the morning smiley - ok

( I like the smiley - peacedove as well smiley - winkeye )

manda smiley - peacedove

I think I've got it

Post 16


Ye hey! no closing time!smiley - cheers allelulujah! (spelling a tad crap there!)

On the mustardland boards there closing time is midnight - maybe we should ask Dalek & Mick to see what they can do over at R2.

I think I've got it

Post 17

Researcher U634370

Hi ya Ruth

Only you and me at the moment I think from the CB, I'm having a smiley - coffee drunk far too much smiley - bubbly today, its been like running a pub!! Been great that everyone from the CB has been around. smiley - wow your breakfast's sound great!!! Save us some I shall be sending up the smiley - zzz then!!! smiley - biggrin.

I like being able to see who's about too!!! smiley - erm I wonder where H has got to hope she's not lost, she did say she was trying to find us earlier on today.

BDG smiley - kiss

I think I've got it

Post 18



This is just so good - its fast approaching the 'bewitching' hour and we can still have a natter!

Am still not too sure on how to find my way around this site - but it is very exciting - I was 'instant messenging' a friend of mine the other day and we were both saying how amazing the internet is. We were at school and Venture Scouts together and haven't seen each other in 20 years but caught up through the friends reunited site! He's into collecting first editions of Biggles books and I gave him a couple of websites to try - he's already ordered a couple of books.

It is all quite mindboggling - we have real life friends and cyber friends and we're all on the same wave length - fantastic!

Well as you can see, far to much imbibing of some fine wine this evening!

Breakfast isn't too far away, so at some stage I must away to my bed!

No doubt catch up with you in some thread or other over the next couple of days.

Ruth smiley - smiley

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