This is the Message Centre for Researcher U634370

Hello There

Post 1


Hello BDG,

You'll know me better as Postie Phil on R2 boards. Dad's been using this for some times. He's either 'silverthread' or 'Tiny 2'. As a few of you have joined this, I thought I'd better have a look too!smiley - biggrin

Best Regards

Lord Evan Elpuss

Hello There

Post 2

Researcher U634370

Hi Phil or should I bow and call you Lord?! Very good name. I decided to keep mine it seemed appropriate over here anyway. Do you like my picture? I've told Jason he's the other fish!

Let me get you a smiley - ale as you can see drinks are plentiful here, not that many contributions to the guide on Radio and Music as far as I can see. So hopefully you experts will be able to make some!!

smiley - cheers

BDG smiley - kiss

Hello There

Post 3


Hello BDG,
A smiley - ale will go down very nicely thanks. No don't worry about bowing, never been much of a one for standing on ceremony. I'm glad you like my 'handle' on here. I think it's better than the one I use on the Radio 2 message boards, I wish I'd thought of it then.

smiley - cheers

Lord Evan Elpuss smiley - biggrin

Hello There

Post 4


Forgot to add, feel free to let the other's (Helen etc) know who I am on here!

DOHHHHH!! smiley - blush

Hello There

Post 5

Researcher U634370

Hubby was just talking about you!!! We heard your raspberry mention you'll be famous.

Another smiley - ale coming up.

BDG smiley - kiss

Hello There

Post 6


Hubby talking about me!! oohh smiley - blush Is that a good thing?!
I wondered if the 'raspberry' thing was sent too late to be included.
smiley - ale going down nicely. Need some 'Dutch courage' for tomorrow!
have a smiley - bubbly on me & something for hubby.

Regards to both

Lord Evan Elpuss

Hello There

Post 7


Hiya Postie Phil,

Just left a message for you, thinking you were Jason. LOL.smiley - biggrin

Tried the CB but the board is so slow, I gave up.
I suppose you have no trouble finding your way about, have yo? It's all new to us, but Corrie, BDG and PG are so clever, you'd think tyhey'd done this all their lives.
Thing is, now we spend even more time behind the screen.
Do you fancy some cold chicken? And have you still got your corkscrew? Although, the bubbly seems to be flowing freely here, so we might as well stick to that.smiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly Cheers!!!!

FBN (also known as Catharina)smiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hello There

Post 8

Researcher U634370

smiley - goodluck for tomorrow I'm sure it will be a very special day.

Hubby heard you on the radio not me, that's why we were talking about you! He's have a smiley - ale and he says smiley - cheers.

Have a brilliant day and give our best to your Mum and Dad.

BDG smiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Hello There

Post 9


Just left a message for you, thinking you were Jason. LOL.


Just posted a reply to the above FBN.

The cold chicken sounds lovely.

Corkscrew weilded smiley - bubbly for you & BDG smiley - ale for BDG's hubby

& smiley - ale for Lord Evan Elpuss

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