This is the Message Centre for The Painter


Post 1

Mighty Joe Young


The Ghost Story Challenge died a death due to the goings on here over the new year.

Is it terminated or should we think about a resurrection?

As you are forming a publishing company, maybe you would like to handle it, perhaps do a deal with the BBC?

I have been looking around, and have seen a lot of anthologies in print, and while many of them have been by established and famous authors, not all of them were.

The GSC was good for us, and I think it's a shame to just drop something that so many people dedicated so much time to when it was so close to fruition.

What do you say?



Post 2

The Painter


I rarely drop in, so you were lucky I saw your post.

The last thing said, re the anthology, was that it needed the writers to hone the work (except a few - yours included).

Yes, it is possible that an anthology could be commissioned, although I personally do not hold the casting vote, one of my original intentions (albeit it was strictly under wraps for formative reasons) was to do a mini testing of the waters.

It did uncover talent, and if an anthology is on the horizon, I will post a message here later in the year. But it's not wholly my decision thing. There will be three commissioning editors, and a further four readers (to deal with submissions/slush pile/researched work), and a great deal of hard work ensuing.

The main criteria will be to define new writers, or writers who deserve a second chance.


Post 3

Mighty Joe Young

Fair enough.

I am in the process of honing 'Patent Applied For' as the ending was weak, and am working on others.

Please keep me updated as to the progress of your business in this matter. Good luck with it by the way. I think it's an excellent idea.



Post 4

The Painter

Hi Joe

You are right, it was a good thing, and some good stories were produced. Some, however, were not quite ready for consideration, so would need a re-write.

I don't think it died completely: it successfully engaged a disparate group of people in a project which took time and effort, and was a pretty worthwhile exercise which yielded one or two good pieces of disturbing fiction.

That some of them may be publishable is a distinct possibility. But like all possibilities, wrought with pitfalls.

The commercial venture I am involved in won't become flesh until December this year. It's a finance/organizational thing.

You own the copyright to your story, so I would forget about the BBC. Besides, what's the BBC ever done for us?smiley - winkeye

First things first, and if there is room for an anthology, it may well feature a mixture of new and established authors, just to attract the right readership/buyer.

If there's any developments, I'll popst you. I promise.



Post 5

Mighty Joe Young


I think it would be in people's best interests to collate similar stories to the GSC with a view to publication.(I realise no promises can be made here, and that you must treat all GW member submissions equally against outsiders).

However, I'm going to work on more in a similar vein as I enjoyed doing that one. I also know some good people who probably wouldn't mind having a stab at it too, so I'll get a similar challenge to the GSC on the go, only not here, as many of the people I would like to get involved in one are not members here.

Whether or not your venture gets off the ground I think it'll be a good exercise. And there are magazines out there that need ghost stories, so no-one loses out in the long run anyway.

The BBC may not have done much for us, but one thing they did do was give us this place, which has revolutionised my life in such a positive way that I cannot complain.

(Mel, if you're looking in... I mean YOU!)

Do keep me informed, it is to say the least an interesting venture.

Thank you.

Joe smiley - ok

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