This is the Message Centre for Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-(
Phantasmagorically speaking…
Laudatortemporisacti - RIP TB Falsename, I will always love you. :'-( Started conversation Nov 11, 2004
Maybe I am a figment of my own imagination…
Maybe I am a figment of someone else’s imagination – no, that’s not possible – what normal, sane person would imagine me?!
Ok, so: Maybe I am a figment of an abnormal, insane someone else’s imagination… yeah – that’s more like it!
Maybe we are all figments of imagination…
And maybe we all share the same big imagination and none of us actually exist.
However, if none of us actually exist, then we are obviously not being imagined in our own imagination.
Therefore, we must all be imagined in someone else’s imagination.
And the fact that this “someone else” is imagining me too…
Well, we are obviously all figments of an abnormal, insane someone else’s imagination!
Ho hum… “We will no longer be restoring normality as we are no longer sure of what normal is anyway.”
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Phantasmagorically speaking…
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