This is the Message Centre for denile

Re Hi

Post 1



Haven't heard from you recently.

How's the leg?


I've not been scribbling much of late. Have you written anything?

Maybe I'll come up with something for this month's Radio Kent Comp.


"My dad had just asked me if I remembered the old man who used to live down the road from us..."

Finish in 750 words or less.


What do you think; does that tickle Denile's literary fancy?


Keep well, and watch out for those pickaxes.

smiley - biggrin


Re Hi

Post 2


Hi to you, Thoth,
The leg still works.
Funnily enough, as I walked home from the pub this evening, I fell upon the thought that I might write about my brother...
You do realise, I hope, that I'm almost entirely a lost cause... the amazing thing was that I got around to writing for the EoS. Otherwise I'm "a writer" on almost permanent hold..
Got another meeting with the pickaxes next week - sposed to be building a wall (in France again).

Keep it up, Thoth,
Best wishes
smiley - smooch

Re Hi

Post 3



How's the wall coming on?

Are you available for some bricky work when you get back?


Thursday I start an evening class, "how to get stuff published"...

Could be fun...


This is Thoth’s effort for the HHG2G comp.




First some stuff happened; mostly a bunch of people killing another bunch of people, usually because they cut their hair different, or ate fish on the wrong day. Then explosives, electricity and engines were discovered. So bigger bunches of people got together to kill bigger bunches of other people.

After forsaking the meadows and pinewoods for brick and concrete they devised little plug-in electric things; these emit smells which are just annoyingly different to the meadows and pinewoods they left, to create a subliminal sense of confusion and stress.

Why they do this is not known.

What to Drink
There are 23,785 different types of alcoholic beverages available. Though the majority are palatable it is recommended that you avoid drinks beginning with the letter “A”, such as Advocaat, Aquavit and Absinth.


If you are worried about your health, don’t go there.


Where to Stay
Avoid cold, wet climates in the autumn and winter. Aim for hot, dry areas in spring and summer.


What to Eat
If through necessity you are forced to eat, for reasons of safety; first ensure you have a high alcohol to blood level.


Claim to be a tennis player from somewhere called England; research has shown this will make you sufficiently anonymous to pass unnoticed.


Contact something called, “A Credit Card Company”, and ask them to send you some “plastic”.


Finding a Sexually Compatible Partner
If you are seeking female company, announce you are an airline pilot. If you desire male company, say you’re an airline steward. Note; these rules apply irrespective of your sex.


Hope the Leg and Pen is working Well, smiley - biggrin



Re Hi

Post 4


Y'go away for 5 mins and the site changes again. Nice to hear from you, Thoth, though you didnt appear on my site??? Only when I Thothed.
Yes, Im now, well not a bricky - a) we were using blocks and b) I was acting as mucker-up, general labourer, shoveller, wheelbarrow driver etc. Built the wall, learnt loads, nearly cried several times becoz so totally buggered, but now quite proud. But now can use a concrete mixer - oh, yes!
But still no writing... Skimmed your HHG bit as I came down and it looks fun.. I just got back from France in time to hear the new bit. I was surprised at how easy it was to hear it - I was afraid I'd hate it. Crazy idea really to have a pause of approx. 25 years between parts 2 and 3 (or whatever). I've had 2 cats for almost 10 years now who took over from my cat Marvin, who was at least 13 when he died, and it had been going for a while before I called him Marvin (the paranoid feloid)...

I liked the bit about "health" - they'll like that.

Yours as ever, Oh Thoth, still with slightly wonky Leg, new Muscles which Hurt a Bit for a While, and not much further n with the Pen,


smiley - smooch

Re Hi

Post 5


Good Eve,

(Was Eve good; was it the snakes fault do you think?)

There was a comment made on TV the other day which made me think…

It says in Genesis that God made the Heaven and Earth.

Then he made the light…

Which means he did the first bit in the dark…!


Good to hear you’re an HHG fan too. Did the Cat Marvin take after his namesake?

My piece was scribbled in a few mins so some of the paras are a bit clunky and need some work. But it’s only 264 words so I'm sure Denile could knock off an entry.


If the muse suggests something more substantial there’s also a “Richard and Judy” competition…

It’s has a very good prize so give it a look.

All the best to you and the leg,


Re Marvin the Paranoid Feloid

Post 6


Well, Thoth, he did and he didn't. He arrived as a poor, discarded scabby wormy semi-kitten with a grudge. But he turned into the best knuckles player I've ever met.

(Genesis) I'm with god on that bit. Big project there, might put you off if you saw it bit by bit.

Which puts me in mind of my leg. It's still not right, you know...

(Richard & Judy) Oh god... (I've never seen R&J, but I did notice that a very nice man who once poked me in the shoulder and said OK! in the public treasury office in France was on there the other night, so it can't be that bad)

(Snake) I have no problems with 'em. They're OK by me.
Therefore it was probably Eve's fault (whatever it was).

Best... in

Re Marvin the Paranoid Feloid

Post 7


Happy Christmas, Thoth!
smiley - kiss

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