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20 Nov 2004

Post 1


Have been reading AB's diary entries. Was given dinner [very nice dinner] by P&R and we discussed diaries.. Will consider...

20 Nov 2004

Post 2


Hi and g’day to you.

Great to hear from you.

Can I ask, at this, very nice, dinner… was fermented beverage served by any chance? smiley - bubbly

The reason I ask is because I'm not sure who P&R are, nor do I recognise the reference to AB’s diary.

B. Jones, A Mole, A. Clarke even, no problem, but AB?

Hey, sounds a great idea though, ‘Confessions of a secret wall builder… by Denile….’. smiley - biggrin

Now the weather is turning wintry will you be hibernating with a paper and pencil somewhere?

By the way… how is the leg? Is it behaving?

I enrolled for a set of evening classes at our local school. “How to get stuff published”

Mostly how to approach the publishing world and set out manuscripts, not just novels, but magazines, TV, Radio etc. We have quite a laugh so it’s good fun and my homework gets a pass mark most weeks!

All the best, and happy scribbling. smiley - smiley


20 Nov 2004

Post 3


Hmmm, possibly... I knew I'd pressed post instead of preview, but kind of forgot who, how, when, etc.
I've almost managed to talk myself out of late night posts after the fermented stuff (clearly not quite though). But I'd been reading Alan Bennet last week, and I think I thought I was using "diary" or whatever "Dear Daaary..". Impressionable, moi?
The evening classes sound fun. But - getting things published? (Memo to self - talk to Thoth before midnight one day...).
The leg? Almost better now, thank you - the painful spot has shrunk to a pick-axe point size. And winter? Looking forward to a short week just South of Hadrian's Wall just before Christmas. You?
Take care, and keep scribbling yourself.
(oh, I see why I did that - it's "save" now, not post - misleading, what..???)

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