This is the Message Centre for StrontiumDog

Whu'dup Dog!

Post 1


I'm still laughing about the kangaroo.smiley - laugh

The humor is sooo important. Thanks for the laugh.

(ps have you ever heard of the alternate spelling for grey; gray? I went to change the title on my car after I painted it. When i asked them how to spell gr*y they said, 'just pick one'. So I went with a.)
smiley - biggrin

Whu'dup Dog!

Post 2


Thanks for dropping by, so sorry it has taken me this long to reply, been busy you see.

I have great trouble with spellings at the best of times, and I seem to remember Grey being one I had to struggle over quite a bit, There are a few others as well.

My mum got very frustrated with me over one particular word and I had to sit at the Kitchen table for a week writing it over and over again in a spelling book Because she was determined to get me to be able to spell it. I still hate the word, but because its very common I can't get away from it.

The word Was ..... Because.

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