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Ponies and Sparklies
52099 Started conversation Apr 6, 2000
The results are in! All the guide entries I first submitted have now been accepted or rejected. The My Little Pony page took the longest. Probably because I didn't know how to do headers and footnotes and other natty things then, so someone else had to do it. It also seems that the editors do not believe in the existance of sparklies. All in all, I wasn't surprised by the results (though I held a vague hope they might know what sparklies are... you never know where you'll find a sparklie wielding dragon in disguise as an editor). New guide entries should hopefully be more continuous now, as I was waiting to see how the original ones were received. For the latest offering, I've written one on gryphons. There won't be any more for at least a week, as I'm going away to wander aimlessly on the moors. Today I found three paperclips.
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Ponies and Sparklies
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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."