This is the Message Centre for 52099

hullo, Polenth

Post 1

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran


Are you still around h2g2?
I have stumbled on a few other dwaggies on h2g2, [some are working undercover, hehe] and just found you. So I thought I would say 'hi'.

Hi. smiley - smiley

Come over and visit sometime.


ps. nice article on sparklies...

hullo, Polenth

Post 2


I'm around, though I haven't check in very recently due to university work. I'm glad you liked the sparklies. I did try to get it accepted as an official guide entry, but they thought it was fictional. The day the sparklies take over the world they won't think it's so fictional. *evil laughter*

hullo, Polenth

Post 3

bludragon, aka the Dragon Queen of Damogran

An' I don't get to Alfandra very often, especially now, that I have a Queendom to run. smiley - winkeye

You are cordially invited to visit Damogran, or just drop in to my 'home in the goo' for an informal visit, if you are ever free of RL pressure and have some time to wander about.

dwaggies dont seem to visit Damogran very often. smiley - sadface
We aren't sure exactly why. Although we DID get a mysterious golden dragon visitor once to help fight off bandits. [some of the h2g2 Researcher dwaggies wear a disguise while working here.]

Anyway, drop in either place sometime. We had a rollicking good foodfight in Damogran recently.
smiley - smiley

yer friend,

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