This is the Message Centre for dubbzc

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Post 1


Howdy, how's you?

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Post 2


Hi, fine thanks! bit bored but nearly at the end! how about you? smiley - ok

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Post 3


Fine, 3 hours and then 7 days off.

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Post 4


No way! Thats so unfair!smiley - winkeye So what are your shift patterns then? I work 6 on and 3 off! Not too bad I guess!smiley - smiley Got any plans?smiley - cheers

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Post 5


I work friday, saturday, sunday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday one week with the monday off and then the second week i work the monday and have the days i worked the week before off. So in order to have a full week off, I only have to book a monday off. Got it? smiley - erm

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Post 6


Unusual pattern but like you say you only have to book 1 day off dont you! Like me I book six days off days off and get 12 straight days off.smiley - ok

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Post 7


I think you might have the better deal!

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Post 8


Well its a case of getting the time off to begin with as only 2 allowed off on any one night but it can work out nicely sometimes! Ive managed to get myself 12 days in April so far and still got loads of holiday left! smiley - biggrin

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Post 9


We can only have one off a night, it's a bit sh** sometimes

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Post 10


It cant be that bad if your still there. This jobs not the best but its a job! To be fair I dont do a fat lot for what I get!smiley - winkeye

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Post 11


Same here! It's the fact that I don't do much and get paid for it that keeps me here. Apart from that, i'm not sure if I could stay awake all day, i'd need a kip in the middle of the day to keep me going. I forgot what sunlight is a well, i'm sure it will fry me it I go out in it. smiley - rofl

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Post 12


aahhh! aaaahhhhh! it burns! it burns!

I try to get up at lunch time so i dont waste my days but doesnt always happen! Especially in the summer. Its great enjoying the weather while everybody else works away!smiley - biggrin

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Post 13


I could get up, but I wouldn't be in control of my speech. I have to have loads of sleep, I think I might be getting old. I tried to stay awake all day once after a shift, I got to 5 o clock and went into a coma untill the next day. (deep sleep anyway)

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Post 14


Must confess ive slept days away sometimes but like yourself i like my sleep! Speaking of which, its nearly bedtime! Eyes are feeling heavy now!

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Post 15


No stamina!!!!

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Post 16


cheek! smiley - ok

never had any complaints anyway smiley - biggrin

at least youve got time off now! heres poor me working through the weekend with all those nutters, and you just know they will be out Friday and Saturday in force! doh! smiley - wah

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Post 17


Which one do you work for? I'll be one of those nutters who phone and abuse you smiley - rofl I'm sure i'll think of you working all weekend when i'm tucked up nice and warm!!! Not!!!!!!!!

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Post 18


Rather not say as might slip up and say something i shouldnt! (being public forum etc) besides if your going to call up and give us abuse why should i?!?! smiley - biggrinsmiley - cheers

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Post 19


Chicken!!! Can only be 1 of 3, won't take too many brain cells to work it out!! Anyway, got better things to do, like drink myself stupid!

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Post 20


If you drink yourself stupid you wont have many brain cells left smiley - cheerssmiley - biggrin

fair play though! think i'll be doing pretty much the same next weekend as ive booked it off! smiley - biggrin

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