This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Band Camp... year two

Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Ok well I am posting this before I fall asleep! We have had to prepare for a ceremony at walmart for the last two days and I have gotten 3 hours of sleep those two nights! And then on the 17th (today) I had to wake up ESPECIALLY early to go to the ceremony, then five minutes to drive back to my house, change for camp, eat breakfast *barf!* and get to the band room. I was late ofcorsse! Only having 5 minutes and all...
(omg I just got REALLY tired...)
So then Lovell talks and hands us our coordinate sheets. Coordinate sheets tell us where we are supposed to be on the field. We go to the field and to the warm-up blocks. A warm up block is when we are all 4 steps awar from eachother in straight lines that make a:
kinda thing. And then the steps that we take is like this:
mark 4 for free (mark time, hard to explain.. you raise your left heal *we always start on the left foot* and then your right in time with the counting 4 times)
forward 8 counts
right slide for 8 counts (a slide is when you go to the side so that your feet are facing the goal posts but your upper body is facing the audience)
back wards for 8
left slide for 8
forward 8
left slide 8
back 8
right slide 8
forward 8 into a touch and go (where we just stick our foot out like we were going to take another step but then we hold and then put it backwards)
back 8 into touch and go
hit stop (we .. stop!)
Then after a few hours of that we got to start our show posisions. But after doing 3 sets (they break down the show in steps called sets) Lovell comes up to us and says "Oh sorry guys! Thats the wrong show!" So he has to re write the show and we have to learn it tomorrow. So then we did more basics.. like splitting lines and meshing. It was fun. Then we had a warmup block compitition. Where if you mess up then you are told to stand at parade rest on the sidelines. I was scared to get out. This guy (that was helping us) was deliberatly standing in peoples way and if you move to avoid them then they count you out. So I ran into the guy and kept going. Then we were standing at attention after the drill and he comes up to me and says "You know, your the only one that ran into me! Good job!" And I almost laughed and he said "Are you SMILING?" Then I try to frown but he just smiles and walks away. I was so happy!
So I didnt get eliminated and we did it like 100 times! Then we went to lunch. And a BUNCH of things happened but I am to damn tired to think. (sorry about the language.. I tend to swear a crapload when I am tired) So then we go to the second half of camp. This is when we play our music! Our show music is
More and More
Papa Was A Rollin Stone
25 or 6 to 4
So Very Hard To Go (the HARDEST song we have)
and we might add somemore.
We worked on More and More mostly today... We got the coregraphy down... some of it!
We fave back field (the visitors side) for 16 counts then turn around for 4 counts then play this REALLY kickass measure that noone can play except some of the saxes and the srs. Then to the box (theres the judges box at the top of the bleatchures (sp? Im disorentated) and we aim our instruments up to there) for all the measures we have untill the 11th one. Then we have to blast our brains out *the saxes have to blast our brains out through the whole song anyway* ... so yeah then we get to the end of the song where its SO loud!! Its triple forte! And we go to the box... then spread and WHAIL!! We spread our legs so theyre sholder length aparrt and blow as loud as we can. Its AWSOME!
We played a few more songs then we got to leave, to make the story short because I am dead tired right now!
But Lovell has mercey! He is making the Jazz band stay for only an hour!!! YAY!
so my scedule next week is:
marching 8-12
music 1-3
Jazz band 6-7
everyday... and the next week... then school starts
*just an added note I thought worthy of recognition*
I saw Tyler today. At subway. He left today for college. Right after he was done eating lunch. I was the last person in band to have seen him... how sad

band rocks

Band Camp... year two

Post 2

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

That sounds cool. Good to see you around hootoo again.

I know all the Sea Cadet drill. (squad (or as some of my friends say skuwaad)HALT!!! Muwahaha...) I'm not in a marching band though. Some of my friends are though.

The camp sounds a lot of fun.smiley - biggrin Enjoy yourself?

Band Camp... year two

Post 3

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

What orders do you guys have in your marching thing? The sea cadets list is short, but i'll put it on later.

Band Camp... year two

Post 4


Wow, busy smiley - yikes
Just be caerful you dont let too much slide away because you're so busy smiley - erm Been there; music is addictive a drug as anything smiley - angel

Band Camp... year two

Post 5

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Hehe Yeah! I have a blast *except today... sure! practice went great.. just the fellow marchers....grr* Sea Cadet? WHo are they? are they in DCI? marching band rawks!
Orders... like being called to attention and all that?
Attention is) BAND ATTENHUT (or it sounds like BEN ATEN HUT) *we yell ONE when we go to attention*
Parade rest is Parade Rest! and we make a SSTTT sound
When we are about to move its: Mark Time Mark! and we mark time...
when we are halting its: Band Hault! *we say RIGHT NOW... its cool*
and er... theres a lot.. if you want to know any specific ones go ahead and ask :P

3) hah not to buisy..
and MUSIC rocks! dont worry.. I am planning a musical career so its all good!
fordsmiley - cheers

Band Camp... year two

Post 6

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Sea Cadets is a Para-Military organisation for people who are too young to be in the actual military but who are thinking of careers in it. Our orders are:

Squad Halt to halt them.
Squad, stand at... EASE to stand them at ease
Stand easy (advanced state of at ease)
By the left/right/centre, quick/slow march! to march them
Squad double to make them march in double time i.e. run
Mark time to make them march on the spot without swinging arms
Left/right/about turn and left/right incline to move them 90/180/45 degrees
Squad Off Hats to make them take off their hats.
opposite to make them put them on.
To the front/rear salute to make em salute
eyes left/right to make all but that side marker look left/right

...there are more, and those are the basics. Then you get orders for when they are holding guns, including marching with them, and special twirly moves etc. and for doing things other than that. Basically we can make them do anything not demeaning or physically or emotionally damaging. For example, we can do 'squad. Sit on the ground and shut up"
Although we are supposed to say pipe down to make em quiet.

The last very important order is Squad. When you are dismissed do blah blah (or alternatively carry on as instructed). Squad. Dis. Missed.

Band Camp... year two

Post 7

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

WHOA! you swing arms? If we did that we would be shot! We roll step with arms at our sides. we kinda have to roll step cuz we have feather plumbes when we are in uniform and they bounce like crazy if you dont
and sorta like how you put your guns up and all that.. we do that with our intruments::
Band horns up "And UP!" band horns down "and down"
we have this thing we do when we are about to be dismissed and its really cool!
our drum magor is the one to call the orders:
"Band utten HUT!"
*with pride!*
*With Pride!*

its SOOOO awsome! we echo and they can hear us all the way at walmart *about 2 miles away as the crow flies*
I just got back from day 3... the first day we couldnt learn our show cuz the director got the wrong dot sheets, the second day we learned the first song and today we learned the 2 song AND put it on the field Playing AND marching!
we are gonna kick some serious Paloverde BUTT!
fordsmiley - cheers

Band Camp... year two

Post 8


lol... wow, I wish I could actually be there to see you guys...

Band Camp... year two

Post 9

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Same here.

Band Camp... year two

Post 10


Sounds very impressive smiley - cheers I agree, wish I could see it

Band Camp... year two

Post 11


I heard you and you are so AMAZING!

*cheers like a scarey stalker fan* OMG! I'm ur biggest fan! WOOOT!smiley - biggrin

Band Camp... year two

Post 12

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

My friend is being stalked by 6 females. He only knows who 2 of them are. Its pretty funny. He has a long story.... It includes how his proactiveness (throwing a brick through a mcdonalds window to demonstrate to greenpeace how to be proactive) got him a serious job offer by said greenpeace as full time manager for Green Peace Hamilton.

Damn vegan punk semi-straight-edge weirdos. Better than tryhards though. (cough*kaindun*coughcough)

Wish I could've heard you, it sounds like it was a great event.

Band Camp... year two

Post 13

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hah actually we did the worst ever that night... but we still had fun!
thanks a lot fred! Ill tell our director! he will laugh!
unfortunatly we arnt that great this year... we have ALL new trumpets and Trombones... but our rythem and sax sections are experienced.. YAY
So if we get videotaped ill send it to you!
fordsmiley - cheers

Band Camp... year two

Post 14



Band Camp... year two

Post 15

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hehe I had a sectional today.. thats when we get into our sections (in my case, all the saxes) and practice our music... *COUGH*
we watched TLC for a half hour and this chick was getting plastic surgery... *shutter*
it was gross..
so much for practicing! smiley - winkeye
fordsmiley - cheers

Band Camp... year two

Post 16



Band Camp... year two

Post 17

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

un-yay perhaps.

Band Camp... year two

Post 18

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

What? we didnt need to practice cuz all the people that needed to preactice werent there and all the people who had it memorized were so... naddalot to do there...
trust me.. we ARNT slackers!
fordsmiley - cheers

Band Camp... year two

Post 19

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Yay backwards is still yay. So un-yay is the only way.

Band Camp... year two

Post 20

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

erm.. you could have a takeback yay?
fordsmiley - cheers

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