This is the Message Centre for Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!


Post 1

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

Have you ever noticed your reaction to a simple electric machine called the radio? How that if you catch that one song that makes you smile just as you push the ON button, that your day seems to just float? Especially on a bad day, the one song that makes you fall in love with sound, it makes everything just seem right.
The chance that you will catch such a song on the radio is so infinite that it loses its ability to make your whole day when you buy the cd. You can hear it any time... whats so special about it?
Yes, the improbability of the radio, along with the vibes that come from it, makes your world go round.
I love it


Post 2

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

smiley - applause

I've found out how our local radio station reports the weather. They look outside the window and run back to go on air. smiley - erm


Post 3

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

AH! Thats horrable! haha
we only have rock and country stations here... its lame.. so I listen to the one that comes from out of town.. JAZZ! ooooh yeah! smiley - smiley
fordsmiley - cheers


Post 4


Very true, very true indeed.

Yet, I find it equally frustrating when, on Sunday morning, having a slight hangover, I wish to listen to something relaxing, smooth and wakeupable to, and instead I get ROBBIE F-ING WILLIAMS (on three of seven acceptable stations) and ELTON BLOOMIN' JOHN (on half of the others).

In the end, I had to resort to just getting the hell out of bed!

(P.S. Sorry it's taken me so long to do anything constructive on here, I've been snowed under - metaphorically obviously; as I've said before, it almost never ACTUALLY snows here.

Catch you soon,


Post 5

Elwyn_Centauri, geAt (O+ THS)

I'll have you know (now you know) I like Elton John!


Post 6


Well I guess I always knew deep down in the logical part of me - I guess that'd be my brain - that some people had to, otherwise he wouldn't keep being successful/getting number ones (*shiver*).

But equally, my heart kept trying to convince me of the possibilty that perhaps the only person that bought his records was him (and maybe David too) and that it was all just a big sham and nobody actually liked him at all.

Looks like you've solved that one.

Unless YOU'RE Elton John and you're just using a pseudonym and all you do is trawl website fora all day trying to maintain the sherade that people really do like your music...

No, on reflection, this seems unlikely, for three reasons:

1. You were already on this conversation before the great Elton was even mentioned, and thus had no idea he would be. Unless you add to all conversations just in case... Again, no.
2. The Lion King.
3. Candle in the Wind.

I mean, everyobdy loves those two, right, even I, as an Elton John extreme-disliker (note I did NOT say hater) must admit that it would be downright sacrilegious not to. Well, the Lion King at least. Perhaps Candle in the Wind is a bit more of an acquired taste.

So, my paranoia aside, I guess I would have to conclude that I don't hate either of those two singers, it's just not what I wanted to wake up to in the morning.

Which, btw, is Bittersweet Symphony by The Verve, as I found out on Monday morning.

Catch you soon,

P.S. Get used to the length!


Post 7

Navigatorblack of the EAN Blackheart

Go music. Hi ford, haven't posted in your thingy lately, thought i'd say hi.smiley - smiley


Post 8

Ford_Prefect "I reject your reality and substitute my own!"Apocalypse 2006 REPRESENT!

hey guys!
heh elten john... erm.... never heard him honestly, BUT im sure he sucks
All you Eric Marienanthal (sp?) Lovers out there... ENVY ME! He is coming to play with our jazz band for festival! I GET TO SIT ALONGSIDE A GREAT! AHH
sorry im excited... OMG
Chris Botti.. THEE chris botti is going to be here my Sr year! WOOTY TOOTY!
im so excited..
sory... i got off topic.. i think
i donno haha i gotta go d my research proggie!
fordsmiley - cheers

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