This is the Message Centre for franky2shoes


Post 1

Just Justin... (ACE)

Hi There! Welcome to H2G2! smiley - smiley
I'm Just Justin, one of H2G2's ACE's (Assistant Community Editor)
The job of us ACE's is to help Newbies here to find their feet, show them around, and give help when needed...
You can find their homepage here - Aces
Here are some pages that you might be interested in:

There's the <./>dontpanic-tour</.> for people unfarmiliar with H2G2,
The <./>Welcome</.> page is also a good place to start off as a new researcher...

Feisor (another ACE) has made a good entry, also for new researchers like yourself @ A719840

For some tips on making your User page look a bit nicer can be found @ A690518smiley - ok
And also a list of <./>smileys</.> you can use in H2G2... smiley - cool

Some other good places to visit are '<./>Miscchat</.> about the guide' ,'<./>AskH2G2</.> Community' and <./>ThePost</.> smiley - thepost

Anyway, Welcome again, and if you've got any problems, or if you'd like to reply to this, just click on the little reply button just below and that'll bring up a screen to post a reply...

J.J smiley - smiley

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