This is the Message Centre for gillians_gal


Post 1


Do you really have raunchy photos of you??


Post 2


They're on livejournal, not in my personal journal but in the voluptugoths community. Sorry about the name mixup. This is the direct link to my post:



Post 3


when I get chance I will pay you a visit!!!!!


Post 4


hi my name is estelle,i'm french but lived in england for years. i'm 23. i see davido likes that sort of thing?? I have been confused in my sexuality for years davido but i looked on her site it was fantastic.
How old are you baby??? xx


Post 5


Yeah babysmiley - biggrin, I popped over to check her out and yeah it was a great site and photos, I am 28 and with reference to you being confused about your sexuality don't let that control your life, let nature take its course. Without prying, have you experimented with the same sex, why are you confused? Did you find it enjoyable being with a girl? What are your interests? Oh just out of interest how come you left this great country to move to france and are the girls where you are hot?!?smiley - loveblush

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