This is the Message Centre for LOOPYBOOPY

What's the problem?

Post 1

Noggin the Nog

So, people disagree with you. They may be wrong (or even possibly right), but they hold their opinions for reasons that seem good to them. If you disagree with those opinions try and say why, rather than just sounding off. You'll make more friends, and fewer enemies too smiley - smiley


What's the problem?

Post 2


It is most kind of you to advise. I come to this site for company. I will seek to substanciate my views. Sometimes I like to cause a stir though. Thanks. Your comment was not solicited: it is very much appreciated.

What's the problem?

Post 3

Noggin the Nog

No problemo smiley - ok


What's the problem?

Post 4


Just keep an eye on me Nog. I tend to be a bit tangential at times. No need to be coy about things just keep me on track please.

What's the problem?

Post 5


Sussed my cover old boy. The dispossessed, I must visit St Cuthbert in his crypt in Duham Cathedral. "If you can detect it,then, you can remove it." Those days are golden old friend.

What's the problem?

Post 6

Noggin the Nog

Some of us had sussed it already, but preferred not to mention it in public, just in case we were wrong. smiley - smiley It's very difficult to conceal an alter ego for long, personal posting styles are like fingerprints - which is why I've never bothered.

How are you this morning?


What's the problem?

Post 7


I've been busy with this and that. But I'm OK. Yes it's true what you say about writing. I knew you sussed but the others took time. I can't be bothered to lurk.

I've been busy with my bits and pieces. Trying to get stuff fixed etc.

Nog you have an amazing comprehensive knowledge. Do you read a lot?
I'm not looking for brownie points.

What's the problem?

Post 8

Noggin the Nog

Yes I do read a lot; always have. Not much good at practical stuff though, which takes its own sort of smarts. Anybody who makes the effort to contribute to society in the way they can gets my respect.


What's the problem?

Post 9


Nog this premod is a hoot. We could open a betting book. They have not thought this through. Think I'll ring....Tinker Belle.

What's the problem?

Post 10


Reminds me of the DDR without the leather get up.

What's the problem?

Post 11


Settled me down nicely this premod stuff. Good method.


Post 12



What's the problem?

Post 13



On the god thread there are about ten regular (daily) posters and then others who come and go. Yes, the topic often drifts here and there, depending who is on line at the time. And of course there are no hard and fast 'rules' as to what can or should be discussed.

But to be perfectly honest, I am finding your constant postings, most of them saying nothing in particular, quite disruptive. I know you have personal problems, I know you look to h2g2 for social interaction. But you have to appreciate that other people are here for quite different reasons and that this forum does not exist for you alone.

Today you disrupted the thread with your moderation problems. You are on pre-moderation because of your past behaviour that broke house rules. It's nobody's fault but your own. Yet you are also constantly goading the moderators as though it were somehow *their* fault that they have to moderate you.

I am tired of hearing about this. I am also tired of checking a new posting on the god thread only to find it is you once again saying something silly about your moderation problems.

On the last page of the god thread alone - only 17 postings so far - 7 of those postings are yours. And most of them have nothing to do with the topic that was being discussed. It was all about you and your moderation problems.

This thread is not your personal thread. It is for everyone. I'm sorry, I do not mean to sound harsh but I think I speak for most people on that thread when I say that you should probably cut down a bit or at least think about what you are posting before you do so. The tone of the god thread has changed considerably since you showed up and I don't think for the better. If only because you keep bombarding the thread with constant postings that have little or nothing to do with the topic at hand. It is disruptive. It is confusing. It is - I think - making some people not want to post there any more. And that would be a shame.


What's the problem?

Post 14


Az...stop fussing..your making a mountain out of a molehill.
I like participating. Why should others have fun and not me.
Not fair!

What's the problem?

Post 15


Because you post at least five times more than anyone else on that thread and I am pretty sure this is not fun for anyone but yourself.

I will probably leave the thread myself if things continue the way they are. It's tedious, Loopy.


What's the problem?

Post 16


Az please go away.

What's the problem?

Post 17


But I want you back for the breakfast tomorrow. So you've got 10hrs and 42mins to pull yourself together.

What's the problem?

Post 18


from previous threads i understand that collective is more welcoming of you.
join your friends. this h2g2 clique are harming you.

What's the problem?

Post 19


oetzi old pal; what have you been up to, upsetting all the lovely people?? You know redpeck will always be there for you...Some people have no sense of humour and never will do. The thought police types will be the death of hootoo....

Still if we keep taking the tablets we can pretend they aren't there...smiley - biggrinsmiley - biggrin

What's the problem?

Post 20


Yes your both right. It's true enough I like the folks on Collective. I just don't know.

Key: Complain about this post