This is the Message Centre for Nack Nill

Hey Nack!

Post 1

The 1 and only Elkherd

I saw you on a couple of forums so decided to check your page out, and it appears that the only person you've spoken to is me. Cheers.

What's your name mean, anyway?

Here's a tip to fit in: get one of fenny's fish.

See ya smiley - fish

Hey Elk!

Post 2

Nack Nill

Yes, I haven't been around that long. My name is from a poem I wrote about me and my current girlfriend called Nack and Nill. I twisted Jack and Jill. if you would like I'll post it.

Hey Elk!

Post 3

The 1 and only Elkherd

Alright then. It's always good to read other people's poems. [email protected]

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