This is the Message Centre for LADYANDTHETRAMP,(UNOFFICIAL) helper of new users.

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, in her vague and elfish but still Archangel-ish manner*

Greetings - you have applied to become an h2g2 Guardian Angel and the Patron Saint of Tactical Furry Animals, is that correct?

Date and place for your sainting ceremony - which is when you receive your halo and wings and become an - will be posted here, so keep an eye on this conversation!

The next sainting ceremony will probably be somewhere around end of February/ beginning of March - while we're waiting for it, why not think about what to wear? Would you like to be accompanied by someone, and if so, then who?

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

So sorry, please forgive me... smiley - online2long ... you've applied to become the Patron Saint of The One Ring, is that correct?

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 3


correct Archangel, one ring/ lady smiley - smiley

Secret Heavenly Business!

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Due to the recent difficulties for digibox users to access h2g2, we'd like you to confirm your smiley - angel application. We would not want an angel-to-be to miss his/her sainting due to not being able to get online, so we have put all applications on hold pending confirmation.

Reply to this posting, and you'll be included in the next sainting ceremony.

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