This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Email No. 5 from Poet Paul 26.08.05 (India)

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

India Group Email 5

Another unscheduled Day off today, Its another Hindu Holiday which there are alot of. Yesterday had the last day with tracee on the placement, she was the woman who was working with me at the summer camp and the daycare and she has gone back along with a few other people to Delhi, and home although some are doing the Delhi program. Some people only signed up for 3 weeks in Dharamsala. So as of Monday I'm working on my own , with the helper (A woman who speaks very little English) but I am working well with the kids and none of the Daycare kids have been to much to handle.

A few people that I have gotten really close too left as well including Junnelle a woman in her 60s who made such an impact in organising the local hospital and furthering the training of the staff. I have an offer to go out to California whenever I want. Which is nice.

Tommorow as I have mentioned, I am going on a two day trek up a mountain, up to the glaciers. Which I am looking forward too.

Last night I had a really good night relaxing with Rachel a fellow volunteer (Who reminds me alot of Kevin and works as an investment banker in london) and Raja (who works for CCS) probably the most straight to the point down to earth, wise person I have met and It was amazing to hear about his life e.t.c. It was also very good to be British for a change, (A hard task with so many americans around) make British jokes and them being understood. lol

My room mate Grover is moving out today because hes decided to stay in Dharamsala for quite literally the rest of his life. He has moved into a house not far from the CCS ones. He is a very rich man as well who has just randomly decided on giving up his limousines etc to move to Dharamsala. Hes also sponsored Three tibetan refugees.

Tonight we (The majority of the volunteers under 30) are planing on going to Mcloed Gunj again to have a meal, a few drinks etc.

I am beginning to really get to know the local youth group, who I teach computers but I have been sharing stories of my culture and theres. They are all wonderful people with goals and ambitions and sometimes slightly different points of view. Some of them are older than me but because I am there teacher, I am sir while I am teaching and Paul when I am not. It's quite funny that I have met so many people that I am not likely to forget Rajna, Mamta, the rest of the youth group all the staff Lallit, Anil, Raja, Sunila, Cheenu, Sunil, Vikki (Who is male lol). The man from Kashmir, who sells shawls in Mcloed Gunj, I happened to get him alot of sales by bringing the girls to him and helping him sell his shawls (He does sell quite beautiful shawls) and now if he sees me in the street he is very happy to see me and not at all interested in my custom but more interested in whether I want some Chai.

As you can see my emailing has been quite random, I can never be certain when I am going to email again or whether I will email again before returning home, but what I can be certain of is if I have the time I will pop in for a quick email.

I am going for lunch now

Talk to you all later


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Email No. 5 from Poet Paul 26.08.05 (India)

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