This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Email No. 4 from Poet Paul 24.08.05 (India)

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

India Group Email 4 (My trilogy in probably 5 or six parts lol)

I have an unscheduled day off today, so I relaxed in the morning and came to the internet place before lunch. The lowdown of the past few days. Well I guess the most important thing was I spent several hours making chile for everyone 30+ people last night on primative cooking equpment, I had loads of help from the other volunteers with chopping etc, but it turned out to be quite a success, (Even the all indian staff loved it) the other volunteers made bruchette for starters, apple crumble and mashed potatoes to eat with the chile. So all that went well and we listened to music later on. What else my placements going ok, planning to go on a 3 day trek in the Himalayas at the weekend, up to about 8000 feet. I head back to Delhi next Thursday so im going to try and email just before then. I'm going to leave this one slightly shorter I think because I only emailed a few days ago. I am looking forward to things not being so damp and humid and being able to get a propper shower, but I still don't want to leave. My musics going down well although im afraid I have only brought half the amount of Indi Rev cds for the amount of people that want one. Im going to try and find somewhere to copy cds or something. The night before last Rachel (A late twenties investment banker or as she says possibly ex investment banker) and I were swapping tunes on the guitar shes so much better than I am, I was singing some Nillson, some Lynyrd Skynyrd and Some don maclean amongst other things with a few other volunteers sitting around shouting songs to play. Thats another reason why im here, getting more tabs. Everythings so cheap, I wouldnt be surprised if it was cheaper to print out here at this little internet cafe, than at home with the cost of the paper. Its 10 rupees for each peice of printed paper so thats like 0.0000001 pence or less. I pay 25 rupees for an hour on the internet and its pretty much impossible to switch things into pounds although you get used to the value of things. Going to start buying a few presents although everyone shouldnt expect one I think im only going to find things for whoever I can find for, mother and Jen are sorted, Im going to try and get something for kevin, clare, dad and steve. And anyone else i think of when im buying stuff. Im just warning you they are likely to be incredibly unusual. Anyways im going to check the Dundee scores because I have no idea how they are doing, and head back up to the House with the other volunteers who appeared after their placements about 10 mins ago.

Hope everyones doing ok


P.S. Lil thanks for telling everyone on hootoo about my adventures. I'm glad everyone knows how im doing? and I managed to check on the replies you got too, im pleasently surprised.

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Email No. 4 from Poet Paul 24.08.05 (India)

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