This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 1

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

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Well I've been here for just over a week and well everything is going amazing. I am meeting some wonderful people, and helping some wonderful people. My only wish is that I could stay longer sometimes because the people here need so much help. I have been teaching computing to Teens and Kids in the Evenings, Teaching sports, maths, english to younger kids (6-12) at my placement. My first placement ends on thursday, and I am hopefully going to a Daycare centre (0-6 year olds) for the rest of my time here. Have been to the Dhali Lamas temple in Mcleod Gang, eat In some nice tibetan restaurants, sampled the local Whisky (Which isnt too bad) and had Kingfisher beer. Have been challenged to a badminton match by the staff at CCS and My guitar is going down really well, My friend rachel had it today at the other camp, and I had it on saturday and monday to teach Old Macdonald. Its also going well with other volunteers, made some of them cry with my music last night (I think thats a good thing) Writing loads of songs. Have a CCS friend whos husband is a DJ in America and she says that he will play the "Indi Rev" Cd on the radio there, how cool is that?.

Other news well, to be honest the food hasnt been fantastic, Anyone who thinks they love indian food at home would be very suprised to come here, there has been plenty of options and some nights the food has been good, but I find myself having to eat out every few nights for a change.

Ok what else, met loads of people on my travels, will list them all when i return but, I met several shop keepers who have invited me for Chai (Tea, by the way the tea is Unbeleivably amazing here, sweet but fantastic) during their break, a Hungarian/Canadian woman called monica who works for the Canadian embassy in Delhi, a norwiegen man who frequents a Chai cafe (They are tiny little huts smaller than our bathroom full of people, but lovely people and lovely chai.) and of course the owner of the chai cafe.

Ok and a list of some of the volunteers, (Ive almost got their names down) Betsy, Lydia, Emily, grover, Junelle (A wonderful older woman), Katie (Who is still ill and had to go to hospital), Irene, Maria, Harriot... and more. They are all wonderful people and we are all becoming good friends. Oh and I can't forget rosie (The one with the husband) Shes a canadian, who loved my playing so much she asked me to write her a song.

The view is beautiful, the people are amazing, although I have had to shoo off in hindi, some men who think western women are easy targets, much to the applause of my fellow volunteers.

Ok funny story from the Dalhi lama temple, Indians love pictures and I was with Anamika and Rosie outside with some monks rosie was sitting on a fence and these indian guys around 20 of them all crouded round her and anamika with a video camera as if they were posing for a photo.

Now, i thought oh these are just some creepy indian guys after photos of western girls, but no two minuites later they were all surrounding me.

Next I met a lovely family from punjab who wanted the same, a picture.

Although sometimes it is hard to tell if they are being creepy or just being nice. To be honest im glad im not a woman here.

Another odd thing, I was always asked for the picture, not the girls, it was as if my Permission was the permission that mattered and the one of the girls didn't. I just said politely "Youll have to ask them yourself".

So to sum up it is the complexities, the beauty, the unbeleivable contradictions, the welcomeness the blessings (Which i have received many) and the people that make this place somewhere amazing to be.

Mcleod is nice but Im glad I livei n dharamsala because mcleod is a bit too busy and touristy, still very Tibetan and Indian but Dharamsala is more normal (Well as normal as you get here)

Well I am going to go, please do reply if you want to I can read them quickly once a week but will only write back in this way.

Oh a few key phrases in hindi that have prooved priceless

Baat Jao - Sit Down

Pani - Water

thik hai- ok (shortened version of are you ok but its used alot)

ap bimar hai - are you ill...... and so many more.

Most of the kids are calling me sir ji now which is such an honour, as i think i explained before Ji is a term of endearment used like Uncle here.

Well I am off

Hope you are all well



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Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Paul came into msn this afternoon... smiley - wow .. it was quicker chatting with him in India than some in this country!.. Isn't technology wonderful!!

He is very well and thoroughly enjoying himself!

smiley - magic

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 3


yes hi tech stuff is great what we can do now , hope to hear from u sometime paul ,,,,

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 4

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Indeed you will when he comes home..smiley - biggrin

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 5


hi lil how are u , this room is hot and thats with a fan going dont think i get much sleep

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 6

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

How do you think Paul must be feeling.. *giggles*

I am fine love.. how are you keeping? smiley - biggrin

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 7


my backs been giving me problems the past few days but my pills are helping . yep it must be over 100f in india just now , my mums old neighbour came from delli in india

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 8

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

As you read, Paul stopped in Delhi on the way to his camp. smiley - biggrin

To be honest, my ankles have been playing me up, more than my back or neck at the moment.. smiley - hug

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 9


do u get fluid problems with ur ankles lil

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 10

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Yes and arthritis..

Sorry.. this thread slipped down the screen.. smiley - hug

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 11


hold on lil we are going up lol

Email No. 2 from Paul 16.08.05 (India)

Post 12

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! That was fun!! smiley - magic

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