This is the Message Centre for lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Wishing You All.....

Post 81


How many cats have you, and cats have airs and hairs smiley - laugh

Wishing You All.....

Post 82

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ummm.. smiley - erm

We are 'tolerated' by two female felines smiley - rolleyes

Wishing You All.....

Post 83


We tolerate smiley - cat Treacle smiley - cat Charley smiley - catsmiley - cat Whiskey and Soda the twins and smiley - cat Basil smiley - smiley

Wishing You All.....

Post 84

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

smiley - wow

I'm limited to two! smiley - erm

Wishing You All.....

Post 85


Shame cats are smiley - cool

Wishing You All.....

Post 86

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Ours are real characters... smiley - rofl

Wishing You All.....

Post 87


Oh yes and we get the occasional fight, and the ever popular musical food bowles. smiley - laugh

Wishing You All.....

Post 88

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

They take it in turns feeding from the bowls.. smiley - biggrin

And the house is just about big enough for them to have their flyers! smiley - zoom

Anyway love.. I'm off to bed now.. smiley - hug

I will catch up with you again, tomorrow.. Goodnight smiley - smooch

Wishing You All.....

Post 89


Night lil smiley - hug

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