This is the Message Centre for wolveslady

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Post 1

Researcher U541071

5½ weeks pregnantsmiley - huh looking at that picture on your space i thought you was due.smiley - biggrinsmiley - run


Post 2


hi ya hows u im 5 half months pregant lol not 5 half weeks so wots ur asl plz


Post 3


Hi Jo, bet your suprised to see a msg off me, lol. Just thought i would ask how you are? if your feeling better from saturday. smiley - smiley just gonna see how long it takes you to answer lmfao smiley - biggrin take care chat soonsmiley - loveLorna.


Post 4


hi ya hun at last im on here lol how are u ??? just letting everyone know im fine as i havent been on lol hows the week been so far for u as the kids been gud for u ??? tom as gone on a trip today with the school so i havent got him for dinner so then i can have a gud afternoon kip now lol without being disturbed well hun im off so t/c chat soon ill call u in the week ok all my love from jo tell tony i said hi aswell xxxxx mmwwaahhh


Post 5


hi hunsmiley - biggrinwots up with chris is he ill being you got on here fine smiley - ta kids have been normal lol they stopped over last nite.hope tom enjoyed his trip,bet you did lol anyway hun gottasmiley - run chat l8asmiley - love lornaxxx


Post 6


hismiley - loveer bet its a surprise me typing to yasmiley - hugdont seem to get much time with work lol im back to normal next week less o/time.hope you chris and the kids are ok missing you loads see your 5 1/2 months now wont be long b4 you got another licklesmiley - monsterlmao neway chat at soon tcsmiley - loveto all specially you smiley - peacedovesmiley - rosetony

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