This is the Message Centre for wolveslady


Post 1


hi josmiley - biggrinsee you've joined us os on here then lol here have aand asmiley - cake,bit different from yoome bu but you'll get used to itsmiley - smileyjustst thought i'd say hi gotta fetch bigun from school sl so chat l8a t/clorna.p.s tell chris not to uo use big letters on smiley's as it wont work with themsmiley - biggrin


Post 2


hi ya hun yes lol ive joined on here lmao how are u ?? i bet ur glad uve got a break now from the kids lol well hope to hear from u soon love jo


Post 3


hi ya hun how are u ?? soz i havent phoned u its just been a bit hectic here lol his brother is going back tomorrow its been great to see him again tho and we have got on great and shauns being gud why he is here lmfao and been making cups of teas for all off us lol well ne way gtg as putting kids in bath so t/c chat soon all my love jo tell tony i said hi aswell and ask him where my message is lol


Post 4


hi hun sorry i have been so long in replying i have only just come on to check. glad to hear you got on well with his bro. and that shauns been behaving lol. hope your all well. When yo you go to reply click the link at at the top of my page called private msg and then s scroll down to "leave a e a private message" if you want tnt to, it just means that no one else can read the msg just you and me lol. got to go now as home and away is about to start. Said hi to tony for you, chat laters
smiley - loveLorna

hiya only me lol

Post 5


hiya its me lol just getting used to use this thing now as still not sure on some things lol but who cares as long as i know how to type laneys fast asleep at last so thats a break for me but for how long i dont know well ne ways hun gtg as dad coming in a bit and hes bros coming to bring some cds over lol so t/c chat soon all my love jo mmwwaahhh

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