This is the Message Centre for Alexnawrocki


Post 1


Hi and welcome to H2G2!smiley - smiley

I'm Serephina and I'm an A.C.E or Assistant Community Editor,whose role includes greeting new researchers like yourself and helping you to settle into the community.

There's lots to read and do around here and it's easy to feel overwhelmed at first,but smiley - is always at hand through the button on your toolbar smiley - ok

A great place to start exploring is hints and links for new researchers at A719840 . You may also like my links page at A1919937.

If you have any questions or just feel like a smiley - tea and a chat please don't hesitate to reply.



Post 2

Mel J

Hello Alexnawocki,

Sorry I havent been in touch earlier.

You left a message on my Portfolio GW page asking if u could
put me on your friend's list.

I was happily surprised by this, as I dont know you .... and vice versa.

If u edit your portfolio page on GW, people can leave u messages there to.

I dont know if ur into writing - short stories, poems, plays, whatever - but if you are, then GW is the place to be.
Its not a pure chatsite facility as G2G2 so if ur planning only to chat, then best place would be here.

c u around sometime and welcome!

Mel J


Post 3


thanks for that


Post 4


'If u edit your portfolio page on GW' wot does this mean

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