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hello ex LDer

Post 1


hello im new :0) im an ex LDer 2...seems ages ago now...i used 2 love the way it would freeze up yr telly and you'd have to get up and unplug it and all that.....part of the fun wasn't it :0)... i cant even remember what my last name on their was??? :0) think at 1 point i was .up.all.night. .....u?smiley - smiley

hello ex LDer

Post 2


Hiya, yrah, i remember the fun on LD and how frustrating when half way through a conservation, like u said, the telly froze and had to be unplugged and then u had to wait ages while the thing re-booted etc ,,, lol, it was good though and i do miss it. I had many names on Ld ( a few i had got barred!) and i remember each one affectionly lol
Hope yo chat soon

hello ex LDer

Post 3


didn't every1 get barred?? i thought that was the point?smiley - biggrin

i was .amonlyplaying and .UP.ALL.NIGHT.

r there places 2 chat here? im kinda new....smiley - smiley

(does that sound like a line? - smiley

what's yr a/s/l...? or is all that on yr page?

i haven't really had a look round yet,

im glad i've met a friendly face tho smiley - smiley


hello ex LDer

Post 4


hi Dave its all on my persnnel page anything else u wanna know just e-mail me [email protected]
As for being new on here you'll soon make friends i will get a few of them to contact u, they will show u around the sights. I ain't on here that much and i am still having trouble meself.

So whereabouts in London are u?

Speak soon

hello ex LDer

Post 5


thank yousmiley - smiley
im gonna go check u out right now,smiley - winkeyesmiley - smiley
another 1 of mine was .AM.ONLY.PLAYING.

im in sunny camden town....

speak soon,


hello ex LDer

Post 6


dave hiya hun, i know camden me family come from round that area.

U've got my e-mail addy so drop me a line and i will answer.

There is a friend on here ANGEL4U and he was an ex lder and he kbows more about this site then i do

Chat soon

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