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Happy New Year

Post 1


Hi Dave

I hope you and yours had a good Christmas and will have a great new year!

Not been writing at all over the hols, just catching up with family, friends, the usual seasonal domestics and some much needed r & r - been swimming, walking and other stuff to blow away work and health related cobwebs.

resolutions...hmm, not much good at them, just want to finish what I've started and continue to write in 2005


xsmiley - smiley

Happy New Year

Post 2


Hi Tree,
Nice to see you back up and running again.

I had a marvellous Christmas thanks, very traditional. My New Year was great. I was down in your neck of the woods. A friend of ours has bought a B&B in Devon, so a few friends went there for the New Year. It was great walking by the sea on New Years Day, certainly clears the hangover!

I'm hoping to write a lot more this year and get focussed on setting time aside for it (I think I said the same last year!).

I really mean to try and push along and get something sent off. I've come to the conclusion that even a rejection is better than
this. I literally have dozens of unfinished scripts and notebooks full of ideas and scenarios etc. It's reached a ridiculous state of affairs. I have to stay focussed on one project at a time.

I hear GW is closing. Which is a shame, but I have to say, whenever I read the conversations, they all start with good intentions talking about writing but veer off onto an all manner of subjects which is totally devoid of anything to do with writing at all.

It has turned into a glorified chat room. Maybe this has something to do with the closure. It's still a shame though.

I hope you continue to write in the coming year. Remember, it's the only thing that keeps us sane. How is your film project coming along?

Keep in touch and take care.

Best wishes for the New Year.


Happy New Year

Post 3


Hi Dave

I think we should keep in touch and I've been thinking about keeping scriptease going out of this arena - it actually started as something a long time ago, hence me giving our group this name...I started a script-proofing biz - low key - wanted it to be something bigger, but we could consider this - we can certainly keep in touch via email - you have my work email - I need to sort out a hotmail account or similar for personal use.

sounds like you had a great new year, I didn't get drunk at all, no parties (billy-no-mates-me) not really, I was resting up post asthma thing.

will keep in touch

best wishes to you

Treesmiley - smiley

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