This is the Message Centre for davejackson

Hi Friend

Post 1


Hi Dave

Just to let you know that I have (FINALLY!!!) posted the script about the woman who finds out her hubby is having an affair on my port: it's called Evolution.

I've seen your new story for Scriptease. I'll post my thoughts in a couple of days.

How is everything going with you? Drop us a line and let us know. I should be on GW more regular from now.

All my best to you and yours, pal.

Dereksmiley - ok

Hi Friend

Post 2


Hi Derek,

Good to hear from you. I haven't been around much lately myself, having had an horrendous time trying to save all my stuff from oblivion on my computer. Needless to say, I failed miserably. I had to re-install Windows from scratch, losing everything in the process. I had backed up Holy Orders some months ago, so I managed to keep some of it, but everything I had written on it over those successive months had to go with the rest. I am more than a little p*ssed off.

However, That's Life, my friend. I'm on the internet on a regular basis now that I've had broadband installed. So I'm back with a vengeance, armed to the teeth with more floppy disks than you can shake a bl**dy stick at!

I hope all is well with you up there north of the border. Any snow yet?

Talking of north of the border, my wife has just come back from Glasgow where she was visiting my step daughter who lives up there now. My wife is a Glaswegian, by the way. Anyway while she was there, I took the opportunity to go on a tour of the First World War battlefields in France/Belgium. I'd been meaning to go for ages but kept putting it off. But I thought sod it, after all you only pass this way once. Fortunately, there was a tour going that week, so I booked some time off work, threw some clothes into a kit bag and off I went. Thoroughly enjoyed it! Even though I was the youngest person there.

Oh well, I've nattered on long enough. Looking forward to seeing Four Minutes Of Air Time.

Speak to you soon and take care, my friend.


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