This is the Message Centre for davejackson

hey there you ok?

Post 1


how are you? I checked in on my pages and on Scriptease to see what's happening - and all seems quiet on the Western Front!

I hope that means everyone is ok, busy, but ok, rather than stressed or poorly.

Let me know how it's all going - write me in work if you want.


Treesmiley - smiley

hey there you ok?

Post 2


Hi Tree,
Well, here I am at last!

My computer went down completely and the techno whiz kids at my place of work told me I had to re-install everything again, losing all my saved work in the process!

Oh well, c'est la vie.

How are you? I hope everything is going well.

I have submitted another story on the scriptease challenge. I think it was pretty obvious I was never going to cram all the info on "Blackbarrow Hill" into ten minutes.

I was in France last week on a tour of the First World War battlefields. It's something I've been meaning to do for years, but had never got round to it. So I thought, sod it, why not? you only pass this way once and off I went!

Speak to you soon.


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