This is the Message Centre for davejackson

Hi Pal

Post 1


Hi Dave

Good to see you back in the Scriptease groove again.

What's the latest with your output? Dish the juicies on Holy Order. Are you finished? What's this about concentrating on prose? Are you mad, Dave? Stay a script man.

Dereksmiley - cheers

Hi Pal

Post 2


Hi Derek,

Great to see you back with us.

I'm still working on Holy Orders. I keep tweaking it and playing around adding scenes and deleting others. And it still isn't finished.

My problem is construction and introducing the characters naturally as I have to keep the time frame continuous. I get a bit frustrated that it looks a bit disjointed sometimes.

It is true! For my sins, I am working on a couple of short stories, initially done to relieve writer's block. I don't work on them for very long, though.

How is your output coming along? Did you carry on with Dark Science? Are you entering the new Scriptease Challenge? And where is Tree?

Keep in touch.


Hi Pal

Post 3


Hi pal.

Good to hear from you.

I emailed Tree at her work a few weeks ago. I think a combination of a heavy workload and computer problems at home are conspiring to keep our Leader away from us. Hopefully soon she'll return.

Introduction of characters is so crucial, Dave. You are quite right to spend time thinking how they are introduced to us.

Stephen King in his book Danse Macabre, says that to cope with troublesome scenes, he writes them in screenplay format. That helps him with whatever is blocking him. You are simply doing what the Master does but in reverse (prose to screenplay). You are in great company.

I'll definitely post my opening to Dark Science by the weekend. My stopping smoking has upset so many of my rythmms.

Talk soon.

All the best to you and yours Dave

Dereksmiley - ok

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