This is the Message Centre for davejackson


Post 1

Mel J

Hello Dave,

I'd like to know whether you're interested in remaining a member of Scriptease, as you're still on the 'old GW's members list.

Scriptease has been rather quiet these last few weeks with Tree's absence and GW's makeover.

I'd like to get the group up and running again by the time Tree gets back so we can run it jointly.

Let me know asap as there's quite a waiting list.




Post 2


Hello Mel J,

Sorry I haven't been in touch much. Have been on hols plus a problem with computer. It all seems to be sorted now.

Yes, I would still like to remain a member of Scriptease.

Let me know what's happening.




Post 3

Mel J

Hello Dave,

Seeing you're the first to react of those I'm waiting an answer from to last week's mail, I'll let you in. But you'll have to reapply to become member.

Just go the Scriptease page and apply to join, and I'll do the rest.

Also keep checking the page out, as I'll be posting
info this week.

Cheerzz and welcome back,


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