This is the Message Centre for davejackson

MSN messenger

Post 1


This is a cracking idea for contact purposes Dave. You can have it floating aboveGW as you surf the site.

I have messenger but how to give you my e-mail without it being bandied around the site.

And you do you add friends to your bloomin portfolio page?


smiley - smiley

MSN messenger

Post 2


I have messenger.

Put my e-mail address in add contacts in messenger box, then e-mail me yours. [email protected]

Add friends by going to someones portfolio and clicking Add Writer to my Friends on the top right hand side.


MSN messenger

Post 3


Thanx dave but mine is Hotmails version of messenger not yahoo.


smiley - smiley

MSN messenger

Post 4



I have Windows Messenger, so it doesn't matter. Just put my e-mail into add contacts or e-mail me your address and I will add you to mine. Either way we will be able to contact each other.


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