This is the Message Centre for Sakaijenne

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 1


Hiya Folks, smiley - lurk
smiley - sorry for not popping here so often for ages.
But I'm alive smiley - laugh
Yesterday (9th of Nov) is my grandad funeral anniverwary and feel bit low, and my granny's first funeral anniversary is coming on 2nd of Jan. I feel not depressed, but feel a bit melancholy... Fortunately all I remembers with them are good ones smiley - laugh
Weill, I want to tell you that I'm ALIVE smiley - biggrin

If you still want to keep in touch with me or remember me, please leave a short message smiley - ok

So sorry that I haven't been on here not so often, but I never forget you smiley - love

Looking forward to hearing your you, all, sooner or later smiley - tea
smiley - diva

I'm absorbed with Korean films as well as some Korean LONG drama smiley - rofl

smiley - hug

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 2


smiley - hug

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 3


smiley - biggrin
smiley - hugsmiley - smooch

Oops, your blog was really smiley - cool... even though I don't want to SEE any JAPANESE smiley - laugh on the main page/HP smiley - tongueout

I'll mail you asap smiley - ok
smiley - teasmiley - diva

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 4


you mean - huh
try if you don't want to see any Japanese smiley - winkeye

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 5


smiley - hug
Yup, that's what I said.
How to delete your other journal site?
And how to register this new journal?
It's interesting one, but I'm not sure if I'll register it, though AS YOU KNOW, I am very bad at writing smiley - rofl
Keep journal is very difficult task for me to do smiley - rofl
but this site seems very fun smiley - biggrin
smiley - musicalnote

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 6


I still have he other one - winkeye

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 7


smiley - cool
Please wait for my mail with good paiteint smiley - sorry
I'm very slow like a turtule smiley - rofl

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 8


no probs smiley - hug

Hiya from Hibernating Taamyu

Post 9


HOW ARE YOU? smiley - hug

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