This is the Message Centre for Ivan the Terribly Average

Notes about Tasmania

Post 41


You may. One day I threw one of my wands into the pond because I was about to do battle with someone. The battle has finished and the wand has been retrieved.

Any other questions?

Notes about Tasmania

Post 42



...if I had known about Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy at the time I may very well have chosen Pond_Wandererm as my 'nom de plume'>> smiley - erm

Notes about Tasmania

Post 43


Oh dear!

Now I shall have to imagine where you live Mr. Pond-wanderm!

smiley - wah

And I shall never ask another question.


Notes about Tasmania

Post 44


I live in all the ponds in all the smiley - earth

smiley - frogsmiley - erm where's my smiley? smiley - biggrin

Notes about Tasmania

Post 45


...and I'm not "Mr"...

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