This is the Message Centre for Researcher 538645
Campaign of hate
Researcher 538645 Started conversation Feb 19, 2004
I've just found out what someone was saying about me while pretending to be reasonable (at least for a while) to be reasonable too be. Also that a one person campaign of hate by [censored] to all I've had contact with is still alive and well.
I'm left to ponder what this place has become. Do I spend the energy to discover what to do about a person who is hell bent on turning people against me and making life difficult or do I throw it all away, loosing contact with people I enjoy talking to?
Campaign of hate
Empty Sky (Remember me fondly.) Posted Feb 19, 2004
Hi ya Wraith!
You contribute a lot to this forum. Don't throw it away, please. Don't let small minded people win.
Campaign of hate
Researcher 538645 Posted Feb 19, 2004
Things are getting really nasty. "away with you little boy"? I wonder where montana got that phrasing from?
Blicky is continuing to go to people's personal spaced with his prepared speil and handy list of links to show them.
To add to it all my telephone line is at the moment laying accress the driveway at home. Telecom say they'll be there by 1. I'll belive it when I see it.
Campaign of hate
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Feb 19, 2004
Oh - yours is one of the phone lines that came down? You have my sympathy! It's stormy here right now, unbelievable!
Campaign of hate
blaue Augen Posted Mar 3, 2004
Don't let them win.
You don't know me ... and I don't know you ... but I rarely post for fear of being told my opinions are wrong. So perhaps I'm not the best person to tell you not to give up (since it would seem I already have) ... but mostly I'm just shy.
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Campaign of hate
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