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Russell Brand last night - cringemaking unprofessional radio

Post 1


An insurance policy, just in case Brand's tame brown-nosers object and get it modded:-

Russell Brand last night - cringemaking unprofessional radio
Messages 1 - 1 of 1

Message 1 - posted by AgProv (U538194) **, Just Now

Dale W is currently plying Chrissie Hynde's "Brass in Pocket" on POTP on R2, which reminds me....

....what exactly happened on the Russell Brand show yesterday when Chrissie was a guest? Yes, I know I said I'd never listen again, but every so often, basic fair-mindedness makes me attempt to see how much I can put up with before I have to switch off. (You never know, he might have improved)

Just after ten o'clock, for those of you who understandably give RB a total miss (as I do most weeks. last night I was working in the den and switched the radio on, realised, and thought "what the hell. Give the man a fair go"), his guest was Chrissie Hynde.

The sequence of events ran much like this: Brand cajoles and berates her into attempting a karaoke with him. Possibly so as not to seem like a spoilsport, she joins in, but doesn't sound happy about it. It is obvious she isn't expecting it and he hasn't rehearsed, so it makes for excruciating listening. After which Brand berates Hynde for HER getting it wrong, even though he admits it was unrehearsed. Hynde goes on to attempt another araoke solo, but the machine is faulty or otherwise lacking. The show goes to a record, in some confusion.

After this, Brand changes the subject completely and casually mentions to Chrissie Hynde that "I've been out with your daughter two or three times". Dead silent but brief pause. "She never told me that" said Chrissie - no doubt as appalled as any parent would be at discovering their daughter has been within a mile of a specimen like Brand.

Russell Brand then compounds the gaffe by babbling on about Internet porn sites featuring un-natural acts between parents and their (adult)children and speculates on how you would prove the two participants really were mother and daughter, and could you get the producers under Trades Descriptions legislation if they weren't? Even his normally supie and sycophantic sidekick Morgan is appalled by this, and HE makes the obvious point that it sounds for all the world as if Russell Brand is inviting Chrissie Hynde and her daughter to join him for a threesome.

The show very abruptly goes to another record. After which Chrissie Hynde is no longer in the studio and Brand and Morgan are no longer making jokes or comment - just a passsing remark about her obviously having other things to do.

So the obvious conclusion is that by then she'd had enough and she'd walked out. Good for you, Chrissie!

Note to Mods: the above is a fair and accurate description of events shortly after ten pm on the Russell Brand show last night. You can check it by "listening again" to satisfy yourselves I have invented nothing and embellished nor exaggerated not at all. I consider this is fair comment and is published here for public enlightenment and if this posting is taken down - well, it will be patently obvious who's complained about it, won't it?

Russell Brand last night - cringemaking unprofessional radio

Post 2

Mrs Zen

Plus ca change, then. And par for the course.


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Russell Brand last night - cringemaking unprofessional radio

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