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Post 1


I took smiley - ant to a football game on Saturday the 12th. When we came back Bonnie remembered where I took smiley - ant - Ann Arbor, MI, what stadium I took him to - Michigan, and that we went to watch a Michigan University football game. She chided me for not taking her but it was done in a kidding manner. She was playful and kissed me everytime she went up the stairs and everytime she came down.

She went to bed early, around 7:30, which is now a norm for her and she comes down two or three times every night. I haven't noticed the time between each time she goes up stairs and when she returns.

Last Thursday it took about an hour but I did manage to get her to shower. The first attempt did not work out; she got wet but her hair was dry and she still had an odor. The second time I stayed with her until I could see she was actually washing.

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