This is the Message Centre for shifty

was it a goal

Post 1


did the full ball cross the line to give liverpool a place in the final it did not look like it .

was it a goal

Post 2

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

Oh Yus.... Most definitely....

was it a goal

Post 3


hard to say .

was it a goal

Post 4

Paganmoon - Crazy as Ever

It was of a tricky angle to tell must be said... But I'm biased... I'm in a red smiley - cheers

was it a goal

Post 5


It was a goal Tig,Paganmoon,I'm with you on this one.It looked as if it wasn't ,but the angle was awkward ! Anyway Chelsea got beat ,thats enough for me hahahaha xxx

was it a goal

Post 6


hahahaaha pinky are you going aginst the flower show lol shame on you .

was it a goal

Post 7


If it's in the south of England Tig,I'm against it ! hahahahahahhaha xxxxx

was it a goal

Post 8


oh deary me i rest my case lol

was it a goal

Post 9


Hahahahahahahha well,not everything from the south ,I confess,just most things hahahaha I'm going now Tig,I'll mail you when I get home xxxx Take Care and BE GOOD OK ? hahahahahahhaha OK,be as terrible as always then hahahahaha I'll miss you xxxxxx Love Pinks xxxxxxx

was it a goal

Post 10


i still think the blues were robbed.

was it a goal

Post 11


Thank God I can't read that external site thingy hahahahahaha hahahahahahhahaha Love Pinky xxxx

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