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Post 1


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shiftys moan page

Post 2


But Steve still won the show Tig. There There There you'll feel better soon. Promise X I've found a fantastic therapist called Jackie,she'll get you through your crisis.For this year at least,then next year when Pinky wins the X Factor it'll all come flooding back to you There There There hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Love Pinky X xxxxxxxx hahahahahahaha

shiftys moan page

Post 3


you be 2nd ross is winning it lol i think chris needs the help hahahaha

shiftys moan page

Post 4


Hahahahahahahahaha that's fine with me ROSS WINS I'll be second,a huge contract from America I can handle that hahahahahaha Love Tinks xxxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 5


lol he is going to enter as he will be 16 he thinks he will get to the 2nd round

shiftys moan page

Post 6


Seriously,I think he will too He's got the votes from this house Love Pinks xxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 7


iam still waiting on ur cheeky gals song lol

shiftys moan page

Post 8


Hahahahahaha I'm still working on it hahahaha I want it to be perfect Just perfect hahahahaha Love Pinky xxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 9


working on it sheeeeeeez

shiftys moan page

Post 10


You want to hear the perfect sound don't you ? I don't want you to be giving me the Simon Cowell treatment you know.I'll cry !!! hahahahahahahahahaha Love Pinks xxxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 11



shiftys moan page

Post 12


There you are xxx I've been waiting for you,I'm day off today hahahahaha Life seems to be going so well,then all of a sudden ..........I have a day off and your here hahahahahaha TOUGH !!! hahahahaha Love Pinky xxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 13


iam just having a nose pet iam of out in a bit so catch ya latter tinks i mean pinks lol

shiftys moan page

Post 14


Yes me too,facing the masses !!!! HELP !!! See you later Tig IF I SURVIVE !!!! hahahaha Love Pinks xxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 15


aggggggggggggh xmass a week away roll on da summer light nights long days costa scotland hahahaha

shiftys moan page

Post 16


I can't wait for summer either Tig,not a holly wreath in sight...BLISS hahahaha Love Pinky xxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 17


It's summer !!! Weeeeeeyyyyyyy hahahahahha xxxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 18


lol put summer on hold cos preal has the gazeboo up lolol oh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it will be in orbit by tomorrow smiley - smiley

shiftys moan page

Post 19


Hahahahahahahahhahahha thats why mines in the shed hahahahahahaha It rained ALL summer last year.Shirl SCREAMED for the rope for me to rescue my gazebo from her garden about 20times hahahahahahahaha Hope your OK Love Pinky xxxxx

shiftys moan page

Post 20


well we have ours up its still fine had a barby on monday night lovely lol

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