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hello there!

Post 1


Hello Richard!

nice to meet you!
thought I’d better leave a message here… otherwise my conversations end up in chaos…

well, Austria isn’t the most exciting country to live in. okay, it’s not THAT bad, but the weather really freaks me out. today it’s sultry again… I’d like to live in some area with agreeable climate, Florida or California seem to be perfect.

daft dog smiley - laugh, sounds cute. what breed is it? I like dogs, well not as much as cats, but some dogs are really nice… grayhounds look pretty cool…

have a nice day!
katkodl smiley - blackcat

hello there!

Post 2


its a blue merl border collie...erm u get hurricanes & alligators in florida ibizas more laid back do u want my email addy?

hello there!

Post 3


well, there’re lots of nice islands like Ibiza. but I want to go somewhere I can either talk German or English. I don’t want to learn a new language… i.e. I love Côte d’Azur, but my French is terrible…

smiley - blackcat

hello there!

Post 4


theres plenty germans in ibiza theres a place called playa den bossa its great ps [email protected]

hello there!

Post 5


sorry for putting my email address in but sometimes emails easier then h2

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