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Post 1

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

hi there, nice to meet you... i usually post more regularly but the dreaded xmas and new year thing has drained me body and soul... i'm really glad to get back to normal [well normalish]

whats so great about a new year anyway? doubtless there will be other global disasters, and i still have to w*rk.. now a really happy new year would be me winning the lottery so i can joyously resign from my tiring job smiley - tongueout also must mention ahem cough....that hopefully no further huge scale destruction.. probably more important than my dream of winning lottery...

hey guess i should play the lottery to get a chance to win eh??
my new years resolution is to harden up... need to be firmer more of a NO person.. any tips on that NG?

bye for now FL


Post 2


yeah pay to win....why a no person be a yes person think yes when i ask you to mail me at [email protected] (cheeky aint i x)


Post 3

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

very cheeky indeed.......

e mail you... did i mention i am also paranoid.. i mean where will it end?smiley - laugh

untrusting as i am of most males....anyway i am on hootoo often enough you can join us in our conversations...always need interesting people to post tosmiley - winkeye

tis no secret i am welsh smiley - dragon yes and a dragon toosmiley - biggrin live in the capitol city which gets faster and more violent every yearsmiley - wah

so where do ye hale from mr NG.....can't think where on earth any truly nice guys are fromsmiley - run bye flakey


Post 4


bradford west yorkshire....i asked you to mail me cos theres too many lurkers in here
i dont want to ravage you..well not yet anyway


Post 5

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

lurkers yes i've had a fewsmiley - laugh... thats the crazy thing about hootoo we can delve and generally snoop on others spaces.......

i suppose i could have invented this ridiculous sex pot of a person.. because we can be anyone really... but i'm a very plain speaking down to earth soul........i'm just as i am....

should be a northerner by rightssmiley - laugh [plain speaking]we have a new manager in work.. nice chap.... from your neck of the woods... and when he does tannoy announcements well it tickles me because of his broad accent...

i think it does confuse customerssmiley - ok i have this mad urge to do a hi de hi type announcement in the store i work in...i sometimes use the tannoy to call customers to photo lab...i can do a very reasonable ruth maddoc impression... hi de hi customers and welcome to tescossmiley - laugh

i'd probably get the sack for it.. and even being a union rep won't save my ar*e on that one unless i plead insanity... but one day....when i retire or win the lottery i'll do it....darned if i don't...

tara flakey


Post 6


mmmmmm...plain eh...well describe yourself to me i,ll make my own judgment x


Post 7

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

a great fat lump probably accurately describes me... good skin though...smiley - ok

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