A Conversation for Caring for Latex Clothing

rubber care

Post 1


you forgot to mention that oil based lubricants will dissolve rubber very quickly ..so bad news to all you baby oil worshippers..on a serious note..condon#ms split v quickly on contact with vaseline. Not very protective in any sense!

rubber care

Post 2


I think that's a great entry and it gets a link from my page. I'm trying to put together a list of "alternative" entries and I think this is just right.

rubber care

Post 3



Good point - which is why I do NOT reccomend "Armor All" for latex-care, as it has significant oil-content.

Silly me - I had thought that was common knowledge amongst everyone, these days, especially given the increasingly prevalent use of condoms (and the knowledge that petroleum products are *bad* for the little devils). However, I had obviously forgotten that first rule - assume the reader knows nothing. smiley - smiley

Incidentally, I have been warned by some that cornstarch isn't the best dusting powder to use, as it can encourage the growth of bacteria. However, talcum powder is immune to that little problem - it's not an energy source for one-celled boogums. However, I still stick by cornstarch myself, and just wash the garment thoroughly as soon as I can after wearing it... I just can't stand the smell of talc... smiley - winkeye


rubber care

Post 4


Its also worth noting that rubber/latex garments should be stored away from sunlight smiley - smiley

rubber care

Post 5


Talc itself is an inert silicate; it doesn't have an odour. Any odour would be that added by the supplier. Boots Baby Powder seems to be the only un-perfumed talc generally available.

rubber care

Post 6


But what's bothering me as a newcomer to latex clothing is that the products aren't inherently as shiny as many adverts would imply and no amount of silicone spray application will get them to match the advertising photos.

I suspect (and this is a former rubber technologist speaking)that this is because latex garments are made up from calendared sheet. Only moulded goods produced from a highly-polished, stainless steel nould produce that perfect liquid shine. Or does anyone out there in the trade know any different?

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