This is the Message Centre for Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.


Post 21

Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.

Is this a good thing? smiley - winkeye -- the accent, that is?

Governments are wonderful... especially on the small scale. When the county wanted to get route 30 (an interstate that practically everyone in Lancaster uses every single day) expanded to a six-laner, they brought in Balfour Beatty, a British construction company to do the job (I don't know if you know anything about them... and I hate to offend you but I must go on). Well, let's just say they could have done better to get a bunch of five years olds with ADD to do the job. They've been working on a tiny section of the road for something like three years... it was only supposed to take a year! Needless to say, they've been banned, and we now have some very nice construction people doing the rest of the road. And bumper stickers that say... "Balfour Beatty, go home!". Frustrating.

I don't know why I went on and on about that above... I must be tired... or something.

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