This is the Message Centre for Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents.
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Started conversation May 11, 2000
Well. I'm still in a rather excellent mood, and I'm glad I am: this is the longest I've been happy in a long time. I mean, I'm going to Knoble's Grove tomorrow with my church youth group for the weekend, I have a band concert tonight that's going to be the best I've ever done, and there's only a few more weeks left of school. Oh, and have I mentioned recently how absolutely beautiful it is outside? Thought so.
Roasted Amoeba Posted May 14, 2000
Ah ha. A happy person.
Groovy. And cool. And... er... yes.
Bye bye.
(It's 5.45am here, and I'm very tired, and wondering why I'm still awake)
Amy: ear-deep in novels, poetics, and historical documents. Posted May 15, 2000
Haha. Yeah, something like that.
And I'm still in a good mood. Hmm... something must be about to go wrong... always does. Wow, I'm just *so* optomistic. *sar-cas-MMM*
Go to bed, dear, if it's almost six in the morning. Unless of course it's time to get up. Then it might be a good idea to stay awake. Maybe that's what I've been doing wrong.... Ah, well, doesn't matter, this was a few days ago anyway.
Roasted Amoeba Posted May 15, 2000
I seem to remember that I was awake at that time because I had just been to one of those "all-night-of-film" thingies, and I had got back home and was, as usual, too bored to go to sleep.
Still, it sounds like a good idea - staying awake once you've got up - why did I never think of that...?
And I'm glad that you're still in a good mood. Maybe something will only go wrong if you *think* it's going to go wrong. Maybe.
Or... maybe not.
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